Re: [Errors] Working Session Wednesday 25 August 2021

Thanks for the great summary of meeting, Sarah!

From: Sarah Horton <>
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:54 AM
To: Silver TF <>
Subject: Re: [Errors] Working Session Wednesday 25 August 2021
Present: Glenna, Jemma, Jake, Sarah
Regrets: Todd

Error Prevention Guideline

  *   We reviewed and responded to feedback from the 17 Aug AGWG survey<> in the Error Prevention Google doc<>. Revisions are indicated with track changes. Feedback welcome! Next step is to create a PR with the revisions for CfC.

Mapping errors data to functional needs matrix

  *   Jake provided background on Functional Needs subgroup work to date, master list of functional needs with consensus. Working on master list of user needs, definitions, consistent granularity. User outcomes are intersection between functional needs and user needs.
  *   Jake shared work mapping details from Errors subgroup working documents to the functional needs matrix of the Functional Needs subgroup. Takeaways:

     *   Errors group research is thorough and valuable, not yet fully represented in the WCAG 3 content. Would have benefited from summary of work done to arrive at guidelines, outcomes, and methods.
     *   Error user journeys are complicated and user needs are varied depending on context.
     *   Outcomes may need to be more granular to support “and” relationship; outcomes are measured and scored
     *   Some outcomes may need to be part of another guideline/outcome still to be written.

  *   Jake will continue mapping activity to see whether error-related user needs can map to functional needs matrix, opportunity to identify gaps. Will share with group next week.

Next steps

  *   Review edits in Google doc and comment/tweak (all)
  *   Create pull request with revisions (Sarah)
  *   Continue work mapping user needs to functional needs framework (Jake)

On Aug 24, 2021, at 1:11 PM, Sarah Horton <<>> wrote:

Wednesday, 25 Aug 2021, 10am–11:00am Eastern Time
Call-in details at<>

For these informal working sessions, we will have Zoom open and work together on errors-related documents and tasks. You are welcome to drop in and we can work together for as long as you have time, or just stop by and say hello!

And please consider joining the subgroup — we need more active participants! You can learn about the work on the group’s wiki page:<>. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

All best,

Sarah Horton<>

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 17:15:57 UTC