- From: Michael Crabb (Staff) <m.z.crabb@dundee.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:33:49 +0000
- To: Silver TF <public-silver@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <43368B8C-A00F-49F4-ADBF-F0975EA00BC2@dundee.ac.uk>
Hi Everyone, The XR Subgroup meets on Thursday from 10:00-11:00 EST. Conversions to your local time can be seen in the link below: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=XR+Subgroup+Meeting&iso=20201119T15&p1=%3A Agenda: agenda+ Check In on White Paper progress (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit) agenda+ Agreement on scope of XR guidelines Conference Call Info is available at this link: https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_silver-xr We will be on IRC using the #silver-xr channel. Kind Regards Mike [University of Dundee shield logo]<http://uod.ac.uk/sig-home> Dr Michael Crabb, FHEA FRSA. Lecturer School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee +44 (0)1382 385491 | m.z.crabb@dundee.ac.uk<mailto:m.z.crabb@dundee.ac.uk> [University of Dundee Facebook]<http://uod.ac.uk/sig-fb> [University of Dundee Twitter] <http://uod.ac.uk/sig-tw> [University of Dundee LinkedIn] <http://uod.ac.uk/sig-li> [University of Dundee YouTube] <http://uod.ac.uk/sig-yt> [University of Dundee Instagram] <http://uod.ac.uk/sig-ig> [University of Dundee Snapchat] <http://uod.ac.uk/sig-sc> One of the UK's top 20 universities<http://uod.ac.uk/sig-strapline> The Guardian University Guide 2021 [Wear a face covering, Keep your distance, Wash your hands, do nor organise or attend parties or large social gatherings, follow the signs and guidance]<http://uod.ac.uk/sig-cvc> Book a meeting...<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/MikeCrabb@dmail.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/> The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
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Received on Thursday, 19 November 2020 12:34:06 UTC