Re: Template for Methods

Heading role and level property is mixed in the example, this creates
challenges in scoring we probably do NOT want as it can get complex with
lots of variations.

Also there is a lot to challenge in the scoring assumptions, like:

"Critical failures for the method or specific tests
If headings necessary to locating the content necessary to accomplish the
task or follow the path are not coded as headings, that is a critical
failure "

What if Legends <legend> are used? Makes not using headings NOT a critical
failure (and more of those)

When we say "headings are missing" what do we mean? It will be subjective
when they are needed exactly in all possible scenarios.

In short I think we might need a example completely worked out with
consensus on all aspects in the example to base others on as we might be
missing on validity, consistency and reliability.

Op di 18 aug. 2020 om 01:39 schreef Jeanne Spellman <>:

> Rachael, Francis and I worked on this new template for writing Methods
> today.  I'd like to discuss it tomorrow if we have time.
> It is a template and an example using the template.  The example uses a
> WCAG2 Technique, because it was fast.  There is also an Appendix section
> that you can ignore.  It's interesting to  try to do Methods based on
> Functional Outcomes instead of guidelines.  We had to work out a lot of
> little details of what goes where.
> For any content subgroup that has not written any Methods yet, please try
> it out.  If you have written Methods, you can try to to move your content
> to this new template, or you can send me what you have and I will fill out
> as much of the Method template as I can, and then go back to you with
> questions.
> Method Template and Example
> <>

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2020 11:30:26 UTC