Re: Problem Statements For Design Sprint

Hi Mark,

Thank you for feedback. The document is still being edited in preparation to post a final version for the Design Sprint.
I resolved the order. Some of the copy is in flux with pending comments.


Charles Hall
UX Architect, Technology

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Creativity. Technology. Performance.

From: mark tanner <>
Date: Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 7:16 AM
To: Silver Task Force <>
Subject: Problem Statements For Design Sprint
Resent-From: Silver Task Force <>
Resent-Date: Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 7:22 AM

In several instances, in Usability and Conformance model, the content headings don’t correspond to the headings in the outline at the top of the document. Most just require a change in the ordering or numbering to fix.
However in Conformance Model there is a whole section “monitoring process” which is listed in the outline, but has no content. There is also a section “Evolving technology” which has content, but is not listed in the outline.
The maintenance section is fine, with the numbering and headings in both outline and content matching.
I have listed the mismatches below. Numbers and headings in brackets are the numbering and headings in the main body of the content.

  1.  Usability
     *   Themes from research.  (Matches)
     *   Too difficult to read. (1.2 Difficult to Get Started)
     *   Difficult to get started (1.3 Ambiguity in interpreting success criteria)
     *   Ambiguity in interpreting the success criteria (1.4 Convincing others)
     *   Convincing Others (1.5 Too Difficult to read)
  2.  Conformance Model

     *   Themes from research (Matches)
     *   Constraints on What is Strictly Testable (2.2 Evolving technology)
     *   Human Testable (Matches)
     *   Accessibility Supported (Matches)
     *   Monitoring process (2.5 Constraints on what is strictly testable)

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Received on Sunday, 4 March 2018 22:30:41 UTC