- From: Jeanne Spellman <jspellman@spellmanconsulting.com>
- Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 12:16:46 -0500
- To: Silver Task Force <public-silver@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <e4595a60-08f8-8750-8ad4-e8f735109b3e@spellmanconsulting.com>
Formatted version of minutes: https://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html Text version of minutes: [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - Silver Task Force Teleconference 07 Feb 2017 See also: [2]IRC log [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-irc Attendees Present Sarah, Shawn, Jeanne, JaeunJemmaKu Regrets Jan Chair Sarah, Shawn, Jeanne Scribe jeanne Contents * [3]Topics 1. [4]Responses from researchers 2. [5]Review open action items 3. [6]Stakeholder form for non-accessibility stakeholders 4. [7]Interview user research - next steps 5. [8]Literature Review * [9]Summary of Action Items * [10]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ chairs: Shawn, Jeanne Topics: Emails Sarah: It would be good to do interviews of organizations who have integrated accessibility into their development. Jeanne: I sent an email on an article about that has references to other studies done. Responses from researchers <SarahHorton> Sarah: Here's the article that has a few case studies: [11]https://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/2016/01/accessibility-fo r-business-and-pleasure/ [11] https://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/2016/01/accessibility-for-business-and-pleasure/ [12]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/ 0010.html <- email from Michael Heron [12] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/0010.html JS: Michael Heron was concerned about UK academic calendar Sarah: I think we should ask him what timeline works for him. We can be more flexible. Jeanne: We have milestones that we have to keep to, but we have some flexibility within the major Research milestones Sarah: I think we have to be more flexible because we didn't get the research work kicked off before the semester start. <scribe> ACTION: Sarah or Dave will respond to Michael to ask him for what schedule he would need. [recorded in [13]http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action01] [13] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-62 - Or dave will respond to michael to ask him for what schedule he would need. [on Sarah Horton - due 2017-02-14]. Jeanne: He proposes two projects, one of which isn't really related to Guidelines Sarah: He may identify items that should be included in Guidelines. Jeanne: Scott Hollier proposed a new question -> [14]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/ 0009.html [14] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/0009.html How flexible are the current web accessibility standards in supporting emerging consumer technology trends? scribe: he is proposing a project based on effectiveness of WCAG 2.0 for technology trends. Sarah: Great idea, it's a rich area for insights. Shawn: the interviews around adaptations to WCAG also will address it. Jeanne: Tyson McMillen also responded <- [15]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/ 0011.html ... he also proposed two new questions: [15] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Feb/0011.html - In what ways can the new accessibility guidelines capturethe iterative nature of accessibility compliance? That is reinforce the importanceof double checking accessibility when new content is added? - To what extent can guidelines help teachers maintain accessibilitywhen using a learning management system (lms) such as Moodle, Blackboard, etc.for both online and on-campus courses? scribe: the latter will be of interest to Jan and her concerns with WCAG in education. Sarah will add to the wiki Review open action items Stakeholder form for non-accessibility stakeholders Jeanne: I realized that we need a separate form for Stakeholders who aren't accessibility professionals. We will set up a new form that has the same fields and field order, but has better explanatory material for people who aren't in the a11y sphere. Interview user research - next steps Jeanne: [a long intro] I would like to start working on planning the next step of interviews. Some of the interviews I want to do myself. there are people I am really interested in talking with and getting their ideas. I would like to start working on the questions. I also think there are some roles that we want to reserve for ourselves to interview, like policy makers and CAOs. Jemma: I agree. Sarah: I think we have to be systematic about how we get at the information. I think we want to have an umbrella that we all stand under. ... No matter what we do, we will learn, but we will get more if we are systematic. Jeanne: Completely agree. We want structured questions for validity, to avoid leading, and to give interviewees the question in advance so they have time to think about them before the call. Sarah: I am often in interview situation, and I use a framework for what we are trying to understand. ... we want to understand where we are now and where the pain points are now. ... maybe one of the researchers could be the umbrella maker, or Dave could do that. ... we need to know what methods the researchers are going to use, and do that first. Shawn: I think it should be case by case who does the interviewing. jeanne: We need to get this part of the research moving because it will take a long time. <scribe> ACTION: jeanne to start a wiki page with research questions. [recorded in [16]http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action02] [16] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-63 - Start a wiki page with research questions. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-02-14]. Sarah: We know enough to start assigning task force partners and get moving. Perhaps there is an intermediate stage of responding that Dave is going to do. Shawn will be point of contact for Scott Hollier Jeanne will ask Jan if she wants to be the point of contact for Tyson (education research) Jeanne will be point of contact for Michael on accessible gaming Literature Review Jemma: I got article, great article. I need more info on setting up the project with Shawn. Shawn: Jemma, you and I can just do it. We need to get the literature in a form that we can access programatically. ... I will send an email with a link to the library and how it works, and then we can go from there. Jeanne: set up a meeting with Jemma to create Literature Review wiki page. Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to start a wiki page with research questions. [recorded in [17]http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action02] [NEW] ACTION: Sarah or Dave will respond to Michael to ask him for what schedule he would need. [recorded in [18]http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action01] [17] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action02 [18] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/07-silver-minutes.html#action01 Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________
Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2017 17:17:39 UTC