Extending VoID dataset descriptions with ShACL shapePartitions

Hi All,

We are big users of void and currently provide a lot of statistics for datasets like UniProt using this vocabulary, both on ftp and in our sparql service description.
Significantly detailed that for the UniProt case we can even SPARQL construct usefull ShACL shapes from the actual observed data in our endpoint.

However, for a dataset like Rhea (chemical reactions https://sparql.rhea-db.org/) the VoID classPartitions do not give rise to good documentation.
Here, the problem being rhea RDF is designed to play nicely in the owl+rdfs world. Thus everything is has as type owl or rdfs class. Not practical,
we therefore would like to introduce ShACL shapes to help people navigate this data. e.g. RheaReactionShape . These nice shapes however, won't show up in our VoID files.

So we would like to expand the VoID note to include ShACL shapes. https://github.com/cygri/void/issues/114 I was hoping for some feed back regarding this idea? And if this kind of small thing would be in scope for ShACL 1.1?


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Jerven Tjalling Bolleman
Principal Software Developer
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1, rue Michel Servet - CH 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland
t +41 22 379 58 85
Jerven.Bolleman@sib.swiss - www.sib.swiss

Received on Friday, 16 February 2024 21:28:38 UTC