Misusing shacl for sparql examples?

Hi All,

I have a question, we at SIB kinda misuse shacl to represent our query examples.
This started with the UniProt sparql  endpoint and spread to others and we are considering this as an internal standard for all our query examples.


We use the sh:SPARQLExecutable, sh:SPARQLSelectExecutable, sh:prefix, sh:namespace, sh:select, sh:ask, sh:SPARQLAskExecutable etc.
Unfortunately we also  invented our own sh:describe as in the example linked.

I was wondering if this use of the ShACL vocabulary is acceptable or should be discouraged. As well as general ideas on making this more usable in ShACL native tools.


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Jerven Tjalling Bolleman
Principal Software Developer
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1, rue Michel Servet - CH 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland
t +41 22 379 58 85
Jerven.Bolleman@sib.swiss - www.sib.swiss

Received on Friday, 16 February 2024 21:21:54 UTC