Adrian Paschke
David Booth
- Fwd: HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue Aug 8: FHIR metadata vocabulary
- Re: HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue Aug 8: FHIR metadata vocabulary
- HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue Aug 8: FHIR metadata vocabulary
- Re: HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue Aug 1: Ontologies for status codes and other codes
Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz
Kingsley Idehen
lewis john mcgibbney
Michael Miller
- RE: Minutes and straw man example (was PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17
- RE: PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17
Oya Deniz Beyan
Richard Boyce
- Re: Minutes and straw man example (was PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17
- Minutes and straw man example (was PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17
- PDDI Task Force - reminder of meeting this Friday 1pm Eastern
- PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17