Minutes and straw man example (was PDDI Task Force - Please comment/edit the draft IG Note by 7/1/17

Dear PDDI Task Force Members,

Minutes from the PDDI Task Force Meeting for 8/25/17 are posted along 
with a link to a meeting recording:


For the sake of discussion, **I have created a straw man example of what 
an initial technical artifact for the PDDI minimum information model 
might look like** along with a draft possible workflow for authoring, 
sharing, and execution. Please see it here and post comments either in 
the google doc or in reply to this email:


Next Steps
- Editorial sub-team meeting September 21st at 9am Eastern -- will focus 
on refactoring the current draft white paper into something much more 
accessible and direct. Telecon info https://goo.gl/bTLPBg

- Technical sub-team meeting - TBD - will schedule for early October 
after the PCCDS Annual Conference that Rich will attend 

- Next 'all team' meeting - TBD - will schedule for November

kind regards,

Received on Monday, 28 August 2017 16:29:43 UTC