ANN: Semantic University - for learning the Semantic Web (now easier to use)

Hi everyone,

Many of you may already have come across Semantic University 
<>, but I'd like to 
announce it to this community.

Semantic University is a free, online resource for learning Semantic Web 
technologies. We've gotten some great feedback over the past few months, 
and we feel that it's one of the most accessible ways for both technical 
and non-technical people to start learning about semantics and the 
Semantic Web.

For those of you who have seen Semantic University before, we've 
re-organized the content into general Semantic Web Landscape content and 
into specific technical tracks oriented around RDF, OWL/RDFS, SPARQL, 
and Semantic Web Design Patterns. I hope you'll check it out as we think 
it's now much easier to use to learn about the Semantic Web.

Semantic University currently includes over 30 lessons, and we're 
continually preparing new content. We're also looking for additional 
writers to contribute new lessons, so please contact me if you'd be 
interested. I'd especially like to start including content specific to 
particular verticals, and HCLS would be a great starting place. Please 
let me know if you'd be interested in contributing!

Current lessons include:

  * An Introduction to the Semantic Web
  * Semantic Web Misconceptions
  * Semantic Web vs. Semantic Technologies
  * RDF 101 <>
  * SPARQL Nuts and Bolts

...and many more.

Please enjoy & we welcome all feedback & suggestions.


Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2012 16:55:34 UTC