Re: HCLS Sci Discourse: no call tomorrow

Dear all, the next Sci Discourse call will be held Monday, May 16- details to follow. Best,

Anita de Waard

On May 8, 2011, at 9:50 AM, "Jodi Schneider" <> wrote:

> Thanks for this, Michael.
> I've added it as context to our notes on these articles:
> Can you tell me where you searched for this data? I'm not very familiar with this domain.
> -Jodi
> On 4 May 2011, at 16:47, Michael Miller wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i did a quick search on the articles cited to find their associated data.
>> two of the articles (14 and 15) appear to be different takes on the same
>> data:
>>> [13] Dunckley T, Beach TG, et al.. (2006). Gene expression correlates
>>> of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol
>>> Aging;27:1359-71.
>> GEO: GSE4757 ArrayExpress: E-GEOD-4757
>>> [14] Liang WS, Dunckley T, et al.. (2007). Gene expression profiles in
>>> anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the normal aged human
>>> brain. Physiol Genomics 28: 311-22.
>> GEO: GSE5281(same as below) ArrayExpress: N/A
>>> [15] Liang WS, Reiman EM, et al.. (2008). Alzheimer's disease is
>>> associated with reduced expression of energy metabolism genes in
>>> posterior cingulate neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A l2008;105: 4441-
>>> 6.
>> GEO: GSE5281(same as above) ArrayExpress: N/A
>> cheers,
>> michael
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [mailto:public-semweb-
>>>] On Behalf Of Waard, Anita de A (ELS-AMS)
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:46 PM
>>> To: M. Scott Marshall
>>> Cc: Alexander Garcia Castro; Jodi Schneider; barend mons; Tim Clark;
>>> HCLS IG; Alberto Accomazzi; Sophia Ananiadou; Philip Bourne; Gully
>>> Burns; Daniel, Ronald (ELS-SDG); Rahul Dave; Alf Eaton; Matthew Gamble;
>>> Yolanda Gil; Alyssa Goodman; Paul Groth; Tudor Groza; Hays, Ellen (ELS-
>>> BUR); Maryann Martone; David R Newman; Scerri, Antony (ELS-CAM); Jack
>>> Park; Silvio Peroni; Steve Pettifer; Philippe Rocca-Serra; Cartic
>>> Ramakrishnan; RebholzSchuhmann; David Shotton; Kaitlin Thaney; Karin
>>> Verspoor; Lynette Hirschman; Susanna-Assunta Sansone; Kees van Bochove;
>>> Katy Wolstencroft; Jun Zhao; Paul Groth; Marco Roos
>>> Subject: RE: HCLS Scientific Discourse Call Monday, May 2nd, 10 am EST
>>> - minutes
>>> Dear Scott, all:
>>> We had a most productive call yesterday, largely echoing your thoughts,
>>> below. Two points were covered: a discussion of the BioRDF
>>> demonstrator, and a proposal to make a joint demonstrator - see also
>>> ings/20110502.
>>> 1. BioRDF Demonstrator:
>>> BioRDF group:
>>> Demo:
>>> Annotated corpus with triples:
>>> Corpus:
>>> [13] Dunckley T, Beach TG, et al.. (2006). Gene expression correlates
>>> of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol
>>> Aging;27:1359-71.
>>> [14] Liang WS, Dunckley T, et al.. (2007). Gene expression profiles in
>>> anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the normal aged human
>>> brain. Physiol Genomics 28: 311-22.
>>> [15] Liang WS, Reiman EM, et al.. (2008). Alzheimer's disease is
>>> associated with reduced expression of energy metabolism genes in
>>> posterior cingulate neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A l2008;105: 4441-
>>> 6.
>>> Need help to automate:
>>> 1) Institution provenance and PIs etc.
>>> 2) Experimental context: what platform (e.g. microarray experiments -
>>> what company etc); disease patients have; where in the brain samples
>>> were collected, how far along was the disease when the sample was
>>> collected.
>>> 3) From this: generate list of genes, need details of statistical
>>> methods, what was algorithm etc. and analysis provenance etc. and
>>> confidence in statistical results
>>> Current use case: cancer; previous use case: Alzheimers
>>> 2. BioRDF-Scientific Discourse Joint Demonstrator proposal
>>> The scientific discourse group (in particular: Jodi, Anita and Paolo)
>>> will mark up the corpus that the BioRDF group has worked on.
>>> We will mark up these documents with
>>> a) ORB
>>> b) Annotation Ontology
>>> within the Harvard Annotation Framework, and link the BioRDF triples to
>>> specific locations in the text.
>>> This serves three purposes:
>>> 1) It allows the Scientific Discourse group to test if ORB + AO is
>>> enough to mark a given location in the document. If so - that concludes
>>> the deliverables of the subtask; if not, we need and will define a
>>> 'medium-grained' ontology.
>>> 2) It provides the BioRDF group with more detailed, location-linked
>>> annotations to their test corpus 3) This can help them in their quest
>>> to automate the mining of these triples
>>> After this markup is done, the evaluations will be:
>>> 1) Is ORB + AO enough? Is the SciDisc/Rhetorical structure group done?
>>> 2) Can this be a useful start towards automating the knowledge the
>>> BioRDF group wants to automate?
>>> If anyone from either group is interested in participating in this
>>> exercise, please let us know.
>>> Best,
>>> - Anita.
>>> Anita de Waard
>>> Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier Labs
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: M. Scott Marshall []
>>> Sent: Mon 5/2/2011 9:51
>>> To: Waard, Anita de A (ELS-AMS)
>>> Cc: Alexander Garcia Castro; Jodi Schneider; barend mons; Tim Clark;
>>> HCLS IG; Alberto Accomazzi; Sophia Ananiadou; Philip Bourne; Gully
>>> Burns; Daniel, Ronald (ELS-SDG); Rahul Dave; Alf Eaton; Matthew Gamble;
>>> Yolanda Gil; Alyssa Goodman; Paul Groth; Tudor Groza; Hays, Ellen (ELS-
>>> BUR); Maryann Martone; David R Newman; Scerri, Antony (ELS-CAM); Jack
>>> Park; Silvio Peroni; Steve Pettifer; Philippe Rocca-Serra; Cartic
>>> Ramakrishnan; RebholzSchuhmann; David Shotton; Kaitlin Thaney; Karin
>>> Verspoor; Lynette Hirschman; Susanna-Assunta Sansone; Kees van Bochove;
>>> Katy Wolstencroft; Jun Zhao; Paul Groth; Marco Roos
>>> Subject: Re: HCLS Scientific Discourse Call Monday, May 2nd, 10 am EST
>>> - the real invite
>>> Regrets - have a meeting during that time.
>>> Addressing overlap with other task forces: at last year's C-SHALS,
>>> Tim, Kei, and I noticed some overlap in the RDF representation of
>>> experiments and started teleconferences in which BioRDF and SciDisc
>>> (Sudeshna Das) could stay coordinated. We are continuing that work in
>>> the form of a W3C note about RDF for expression studies (i.e.
>>> microarrays but not necessarily excluding other forms of expression
>>> data). We are hoping to find common (stable) ground for the W3C note
>>> by comparing / contrasting a number of existing approaches. We have
>>> presented our approaches in BioRDF telcons and a 'Metadata Capture'
>>> meeting in the Netherlands organized by Kees van Bochove.
>>> About ways to further combine across the overlaps:
>>> I see a lot of potential to combine approaches from the task forces by
>>> putting together several common elements (that already exist to some
>>> extent):
>>> * representation of provenance for text-mined assertions
>>> * representation of microarray experiment results in RDF with
>>> provenance information about the RDF itself, in addition to experiment
>>> provenance and RDF representation of experiment metadata
>>> A) performing microarray analysis in a workflow
>>> B) performing text mining in a workflow
>>> C) linking microarray analysis results with literature (linking RDF
>>> output from A & B)
>>> The above (A - C) combines a microarray experiment with a
>>> computational experiment (in the form of a workflow in which the
>>> analysis is done), which makes it important to clearly delineate
>>> different types of provenance - that of the microarray experiment,
>>> that of the workflow, and that of the RDF production.
>>> Perhaps there's a way to use a medium granularity markup of the
>>> microarray study article to enhance the literature mining, or use it
>>> together with the results RDF somehow.
>>> BTW, if one considers a nanopublication as a sort of prescribed
>>> provenance for a particular type of data, then you could consider the
>>> gene list (or each gene on it) to be a nanopublication.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Scott
>>> P.S. I had the above combination of ideas in mind for my presentation
>>> to SciDisc. Sorry to blurt it out without being able to stick around
>>> to explain what I mean. Maybe at the next telcon.
>>> P.P.S. There is a EU project Workflow4ever that has some common
>>> interests in the above.
>>> --
>>> M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair,
>>> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Waard, Anita de A (ELS-AMS)
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Apologies for my confusing mail this weekend: obviously I'm not quite
>>> ready to send real emails from my iPhone! The goal was to discuss our
>>> conclusions from the April 18th meeting, which I copied below, and look
>>> back on our use cases and the work from other HCLS subgroups.
>>>> Please find an improved version below or at
>>> //
>>> 20110502.
>>>> Best,
>>>> - Anita.
>>>> Anita de Waard
>>>> Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier Labs
>>> ings/20110502
>>>> Please join the HCLS Scientific Discourse concall on Monday, May 2 10
>>> am EST, 3 pm BST, 7 am Pacific
>>>> Agenda:
>>>> 1) Timeframe and names for plans below
>>>> 2) How close are we to fulfilling our original use cases?
>>> (
>>>> 3) Overlap with other HCLS subgroups (see
>>> for a listing)
>>>> 4) Next steps.
>>>> Conclusions meeting April 18:
>>>> 1) Joint work on annotation a corpus of documents with links to
>>> workflow components and data. This will allow a concrete instantiation
>>> of the medium-grained ontology, and offer a discussion point for
>>> describing the experiment/paper link which we are approaching from many
>>> different sides. Alex Garcia will jumpstart this process by making a
>>> collection of full-text Elsevier documents available which he has
>>> annotated with RDF; after seeing these, we will select a subcorpus to
>>> mark up a) Data b) Experimental model c) Key discourse components from,
>>> and work to make a demonstrator.
>>>> 2) A paper. Discussing our various models, and ways to integrate;
>>> include discussion re. overlap/difference between (explicit, personal)
>>> knowledge in discourse and (implicit, shared) knowledge that underlies
>>> experimental models. Could be possible outcome of demo.
>>>> 3) A face-to-face meeting. Kees van Bochove has kindly agreed to
>>> organise this. Possible venues: ISMB in Vienna, ICBO in Buffalo, or a
>>> one-off workshop in the Netherlands. Topic: Experiment/discourse
>>> integration: models, examples, and next steps.
>>>> Dial-in & IRC Information
>>>>    * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>>>>    * Dial-In #: + (Paris, France)
>>>>    * Dial-In #: +44.203.318.0479 (London, UK)
>>>>    * Participant Access Code: 42572 ("HCLS2")
>>>>    * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #HCLS2 use IRC direct
>>> link or (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
>>>>    * Mibbit quick start: Click on mibbit for instant IRC access
>>>>    * Duration: 1hr
>>>> Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The
>>> Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677 (The Netherlands)
>>> Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The
>>> Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677 (The Netherlands)

Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677 (The Netherlands)

Received on Sunday, 8 May 2011 22:42:07 UTC