1st CFP - CSWS2011 Canadian Semantic Web Symposium

[Apologies for cross-posting]


CALL FOR PAPER - CSWS2011: Third Canadian Semantic Web Symposium 2011

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
August 5, 2011

Paper Submission

Important dates:

Submission Deadline: June 20th, 2011
Acceptance Notification: July 15th, 2011

The Third Canadian Semantic Web Symposium, will be held in the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia (Aug 5, 2011).

As a follow-up to the previous symposium, CSWS 2011 aims at bringing together Canadian and international researchers in semantic technologies and knowledge management to discuss about various issues related to the Semantic Web.

The Third Canadian Semantic Web Symposium 2011 calls for papers in all topics related to semantic web technologies and their applications. The following are some example topics:

*         Languages, tools and methodologies for the Semantic Web

*         The application of AI technologies in the Semantic Web

*         Searching, querying, visualizing and interpreting the Semantic Web

*         Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management;

*         Semantic Grid and semantic Grid services

*         Trust, privacy, security on the Semantic Web;

*         Ontology design, evolution and management

*         Ontology mapping and merging

*         Semantic Web and uncertainty

*         Description logics and frame logics as ontology formalisms

*         Modular, distributed, and multi-ontologies

*         Semantic Web technologies for collaboration and cooperation

*         Semantic Web Services (description, discovery, invocation, composition)

*         Semantic Web and databases

*         Practical applications of Semantic Web techniques in e-business, e-commerce, e-government and e-learning

*         Semantic Web rule languages and engines

*         Social Semantic Web (Web 3.0)

CSWS 2011 will feature two tracks: a Research and a Work-in-Progress track. The objective of the research track is to solicit original papers that present accomplished research on the area of the Semantic Web. The Work-in-Progress track aims at providing an opportunity for practitioners to present their on-going research on principles and applications of the Semantic Web, even when implementation or deployment has not been completed.

Accepted submissions will be published in the symposium Proceeding.

Authors are invited to submit full papers in PDF, Postscript or MS-Word RTF electronically. All papers must be written in English. Research papers can be up to 12 pages in length and Work-In-Progress papers can be up to 6 pages. Papers must be formatted according to Springer's LNCS style. Please follow the instructions for authors at Springer's site for authors. To submit papers, please follow visit https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cswws11 Papers that are not submitted through the automatic procedure cannot be reviewed.

Program Co-Chairs:

Christopher Baker, University of New Brunswick (Saint John)
Helen Chen, University of Waterloo

Organization Committee:

Ebrahim Bagheri, Athabasca University
Helen Chen, University of Waterloo
Weichang Du, University of New Brunswick

Program Committee:

Abdolreza Abhari        Ryerson University, Canada
Atif Khan                     University of Waterloo, Canada
Alexandre Riazanov   University of New Brunswick, Canada
Arash Shaban-Nejad  McGill University, Canada
Babak Esfandiari        Carleton University, Canada
Bruce Spencer            National Research Council Canada, Canada
Csaba Huszka                        Agfa Healthcare, Belgium
Christopher Baker       University of New Brunswick, Canada
Dragan Gašević          Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ebrahim Bagheri         Athabasca University, Canada
Faezeh Ensan             University of British Columbia, Canada
Fred Popowich            Simon Fraser University, Canada
Hassan Ait-Kaci          IBM Canada, Canada
Helen Chen                 University of Waterloo, Canada
Leo Ferres                   Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Marek Hatala              Simon Fraser University, Canada
Marek Reformat         University of Alberta, Canada
Mark Wilkinson           University of British Columbia, Canada
Marina Sokolova         University of Ottawa, Canada
Michel Dumontier       Carlton University, Canada
René Witte                  Concordia University, Canada
Vio Onut                      IBM Canada, Canada
Volker Haarslev          Concordia University, Canada
Weichang Du              University of New Brunswick, Canada
Weiming Shen                        National Research Council, Canada
Yevgen Biletskiy         University of New Brunswick, Canada

Received on Monday, 9 May 2011 01:23:49 UTC