Re: triple store recommendation

Dear all,

Thank you for the great tips!

All the best,

Paul Rigor

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Jun Zhao <> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> In my experience, most concurrent triple stores perform fairly comparably
> well for queries. However, if you do plan to load a huge amount of RDF data
> into your triple, say more than 10 million, then I would suggest you get a
> powerful computer first.
> A 64-bit computer with >15GB memory should give you some reasonable
> performance. And you can also play with some disk partition.
> I wrote some notes a while back, benchmarked on Jena TDB:
> Hope it can be helpful to you.
> cheers,
> Jun
> On 14/06/11 16:05, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> There was a paper comparing query performance presented at SWAT4LS in
>> Berlin 2010 by Vladimir Mironov (CC'd).
>> Within HCLS, many triplestores have been used. It depends on the purpose
>> and your preferences for features. The HCLS KB is in Virtuoso and
>> Allegrograph. We've also worked with Sesame and OWLIM. NCBO uses Mulgara
>> for their SPARQL endpoint. The nice thing about many of the triplestores
>> is that if you decide to use another one, migrating your data isn't much
>> work so you're not locked in.
>> Cheers,
>> Scott
>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Michael Miller
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>>    hi paul,
>>    i did a little research on this a little while ago.  you should have
>>    plenty of power.
>>    if you're research i hear oracle offers their spatial triple store
>>    for free, running jena on top of a storage system like BigOWLIMis
>>    also quite popular
>>    check out Berlin SPARQL benchmark
>>    (
>> )
>>    cheers,
>>    michael
>>    *From:*
>>    <>
>>    [
>>    <>] *On Behalf Of *Paul
>> Rigor
>>    *Sent:* Thursday, June 09, 2011 11:03 AM
>>    *To:* <mailto:
>>    *Subject:* triple store recommendation
>>    Hi all,
>>    It was fun joining the conference call yesterday; very enlightening.
>>    I'm looking into setting up my own triplestore (for the first
>>    time!). I was wondering if you'd have recommendations on which
>>    storage backend I could use. I'll be deploying the triplestore on an
>>    okay machine (quad intel xeon X5570 with 48GB, 400GB on striped SAS
>>    disks).
>>    Thanks,
>>    Paul
>>    --
>>    Paul Rigor
>> <>
>> --
>> M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair,

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 16:55:11 UTC