Adrian Walker
Barry Smith
Bhat, Talapady N.
conor dowling
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
dan russler
Daniel Rubin
Egon Willighagen
Frank Dengler
Hau, Dave (NIH/NCI) [E]
Jim McCusker
Joanne Luciano
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- New Affiliation /Formal announcement
Joanne Luciano (gmail)
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: Reminder: TODAY 10 AM EST / 3PM GMT -- middle grained alignment discussion
Jodi Schneider
- notes from our DRO discussion last week
- Reminder: TODAY 10 AM EST / 3PM GMT -- middle grained alignment discussion
- Re: Aligning DoCO and the middle grained document structure
John Madden
- HCLS Terminology call this coming MONDAY, 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern time
- HCLS Terminology call this coming MONDAY, 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern time
Jun Zhao
Khalid Belhajjame
Lee, Mike
M. Scott Marshall
- Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: LODD Telcon
- Reminder: BioRDF telcon on Monday at 11AM EDT (4PM UK, 5PM CET)
- Minutes from HCLS cross-taskforce telcon
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
Mark Wilkinson
Matthias Löbe
Matthias Samwald
Michael Chan
Michael Miller
- RE: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- RE: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- RE: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- TM teleconference call
- Call for Papers: 9th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2011)
- TMO teleconference
- TMO teleconference call
Mike Liebhold
Nigam Shah
Parsa Mirhaji
- RE: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
- Wait a sec...What about the HL7 RIM An Universal Exchange Language
Rémy Choquet
Susie Stephens
Tim Clark
- Reminder: HCLS Scientific Discourse concall Mon Dec 20, 10am EST
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Re: An Universal Exchange Language
- Reminder: HCLS Scientific Discourse: Data+Experiment Ontology call Mon Dec 6, 10am EST
Trish Whetzel
Waard, Anita de A (ELS-AMS)
- CFP: Models of Scientific Discourse Annotation (MSDA 2011)
- RE: Reminder: Semantic Discourse telcon on Monday December 13, at 10AM EDT (3PM UK, 4PM CET)
- Reminder: Semantic Discourse telcon on Monday December 13, at 10AM EDT (3PM UK, 4PM CET)