Re: [hcls] Updated wiki page for HCLS Knowledge Base

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 02:51:07 -0700, Egon Willighagen  
<> wrote:

> Just think of it like this: if you aggregated the data already in the
> way the scientists wants it, he is no longer doing cutting edge
> science (it's already been done!).

Perfectly stated!  :-)

Moreover, warehousing in and of itself isn't research, nor is it pushing  
"the state of the art", nor is it semantic web (IMO), nor is it even  
linked data (IMO).  We don't need RDF to make warehouses!  This is why I  
am "irked" when I see our own group admitting that RDF-Web-crawling is  
"nice", but it's just too much fuss, so we'll capitulate and build a  
warehouse anyway.  In what way does it encourage the wider community to  
adopt semantic web technologies when even WE admit that using them  
("properly") is just too much trouble?

Sorry that I keep dropping-out of this conversation after starting it -  
I'm at the OGF Summit in Banff and, as always, the wireless at the  
conference site can only handle a small fraction of the number of people  
trying to use it :-)  so I am basically Blackberry-only this week...

Cheers all!


Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 11:40:32 UTC