Re: Is there an NCBI taxonomy in OWL ?

andrea splendiani (RRes-Roth) wrote:
> Thanks!
> It'2 240M, but compressed is only 9. 
> I wonder whether there is some architecture to transparently transfer
> compressed ontologies...

HTTP-accessible ontologies should be able to be setup to be downloaded 
with gzip (or equivalent) HTTP transfer encoding, which does indeed 
compress Web resources (ontologies or otherwise) transparently for 

I'm happy to help anyone who wants to set this up on their servers (at 
least if it's Apache-based, which is where most of my experience lies).

(Apologies if the question was getting at something specific for 
ontologies, rather than more general for HTTP.)


> Ciao,
> Andrea
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Mungall [] 
> Sent: 25 February 2009 20:53
> To: andrea splendiani (RRes-Roth)
> Cc: public-semweb-lifesci hcls
> Subject: Re: Is there an NCBI taxonomy in OWL ?
> On Feb 25, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Andrea Splendiani wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was looking for an NCBI Taxnomoy in OWL, but I didn't find it (or  
>> better, could find fragment from other projects...)
>> What is strange though, is that on the obo foundry website  
>> ( there are notes on the ncbi taxonomy  
>> representation in owl... but not the representation itself.
> Temporarily dropped from the summary page but still available at the  
> usual URL
> (warning: large..)
>> Does anybody have some hint about where I can fin an OWL version ?  
>> Or even an RDF version ? Even better would a sparql endpoint  
>> containing it...
>> best,
>> Andrea Splendiani

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2009 05:39:56 UTC