Last Call: 1st International Workshop on Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web (SPOT 2009)

(Apologies for multiple posts)

                      LAST CALL FOR PAPERS


              1st International Workshop on
     Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web
                       (SPOT 2009)

                   in conjunction with
     The 6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2009)

                    Heraklion, Greece
                      June 1st, 2009

Workshop goals

Semantic Web technologies have reached a status where they
influence our daily lives. On the one hand, applications for
sharing semantically annotated pictures, blogs, and videos and
semantic-enhanced social networking platforms are present. On
the other hand, the so-called Web of Data with its thousands
of billions of triples is leaving its research prototype status.
Applications using Semantic Web technologies start to arise
and to be used by a large number of users. However, although
trust and privacy play a crucial role in its final development
and adoption, in most of the running systems and research
prototypes no or not sufficient solutions to address these
topics are considered. The Semantic Web as well as the Social
Web has reached a state where those issues have to be addressed
seriously in order to become reality. As the Semantic Web goes
mainstream, especially through its Social aspect, it is time
for the community to gather around that topic.

SPOT09 will be held at the European Semantic Web Conference
2009.It will bring together, among others, researchers and
developers from the field of Semantic Web, the Social Web,
and trust and privacy enforcement. It provides the
opportunity to discuss and analyze important requirements
and open research issues for a trustful Semantic Web.
We welcome both, theoretical and application oriented
results, concerning how trust can be ensured in an open
system like the Social Semantic Web as well as how Semantic
Web technologies can be used or have to be extended in order
to serve for privacy issues. We also plan to include a
specific time slot for case studies and system demonstrations.

The SPOT2009 Workshop si supported by the COST action:

Workshop topics

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Trust and Privacy on the Semantic Web:
   * Ontologies for trust and privacy
   * Data provenance and trustworthiness of knowledge sources
   * Semantic web policies
   * Privacy by generalization of answers
   * Usage control and accountability
   * Trust-enabled linked data
   * Policy representation and reasoning

2. Trust and Privacy for Social Semantic Web Applications:
   * Trust and privacy in social online communities (e.g., SIOC)
   * Privacy in Semantic Web sharing applications
     (e.g.,semantic desktop)
   * User profiling and modeling vs. privacy
   * Privacy and community mining
   * Trust and reputation metrics
   * Usage mining and policy extraction
   * Privacy awareness in social communities
   * The Semantic Web as a trust enabler

3. Applications and Case Studies:
   * Social Semantic Web case studies,
     prototypes, and experiences
   * Trust and privacy on social semantic platforms
   * Social network annoyance, social software fatigue,
     social spam
   * Managing information overload in the Social Web with
     privacy metrics
   * Trust and privacy for social software on mobile devices
   * Scalability of trust and privacy on the Semantic Web

Workshop organization

The workshop will consist of presentations of Research
Papers by their authors, a Demos and Application
session, as well as a Lightning Talk session in which
we encourage late-breaking, provocative discussions
and presentations.
The event will be followed by a social event in order to
foster discussions and collaboration between workshop

Invited speaker

Prof. Piero Bonatti from Universita' di Napoli Federico II
( ) will also give
a keynote as invited speaker.

Submission guidelines:

We expect different kind of submissions

   * Research Papers:
        - Full technical papers, up to 12 pages
        - Short technical papers, up to 6 pages
   * Demos and Applications:
        - 2 pages + demo
   * Lightning Talks:
        - 1 slide and 3 min

Papers will have to be formatted using the Springer Publications
format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Submissions
for papers and demo descriptions will be made using the
EasyChair Conference System, and proceedings of the papers
will be published with CEUR-WS.

We very welcome research papers focusing on theoretical work as
well as applications regarding the benefits of Semantic Web
technologies to solve these issues. The papers should
clearly define the motivation of the work with relevant
scenarios and should also provide a clear overview and
evaluation of the benefits of the proposed approaches.
Lightning Talks submissions will be open a week before the
workshop and people will be allowed to register until the
first break of the afternoon. For submission details,
please refer to the workshop website.

Important Dates

Submission date: 7 March 2009
Notification date: 4 April 2009
Camera ready: 18 April 2009

Organizing committee

Michael Hausenblas, DERI Galway, Ireland
Philipp Kaerger, L3S Research Center, Germany
Daniel Olmedilla, Telefonica R&D, Madrid, Spain
Alexandre Passant, DERI Galway, Ireland
Axel Polleres, DERI Galway, Ireland

Program committee

Vinicius Almendra - ADDLabs, Brasil
Chris Bizer - Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Piero Bonatti - University of Naples, Italy
John Breslin - National University of Ireland, Galway
Dan Brickley - FOAF project, UK
Juri L. De Coi - L3S Research Center, Germany
Stefan Decker - DERI Galway, Ireland
Fabien Gandon - INRIA, France
Wolfgang Halb - Joanneum Research, Austria
Harry Halpin - University of Edinburgh, UK
Tom Heath - Talis, UK
James Hendler - University of Maryland, USA
Michael Hausenblas - DERI Galway, Ireland
Bettina Hoser - Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
Philipp Kaerger - L3S Research Center, Germany
Lalana Kagal - MIT, USA
Daniel Olmedilla - Telefonica R&D, Spain
Sascha Ossowski - University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Alexandre Passant - DERI Galway, Ireland
Axel Polleres - DERI Galway, Ireland
Simon Schenk - University of Koblenz, Germany
Carles Sierra - IIIA CSIC, Spain
Henry Story - Sun Microsystems, France
Alessandra Toninelli - Universita di Bologna, Italy

Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
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Received on Thursday, 26 February 2009 08:15:28 UTC