Re: [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon January 15 2008

my master thesis consisted in developing a semantic interoperability
system for HL7 v.3. Although not all the targets have been reached, I've
developed both a lifting algorithm from HL7 XML documents to RDF and a
set of scripts that build a hierarchy of ontologies, from the RIM down
to the HMDs by using the MIF files provided with the HL7 ballots.
The development of the scripts has stopped since I got the degree, if
you're interested I can provide some help.
The project website is
And the files are in the public svn repository of the project.


[Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:55:54AM -0500] - scrive:
>    Vipul and all
>    Sorry I will not be able to dial in today due to a time conflict.
>    I started to put up a wiki to examine some previous effort on
>    converting RIM/CDA  to RDF/OWL for semantic web reasoning.  The page is
>    here
>    A2OWL.html?action=show
>    I will add more content later this afternoon.   Please feel free to add
>    links if you know a good ontology version of RIM/CDA.
>    Regards.
>    Helen
>    "Kashyap, Vipul" <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG>
>    Sent by:
>    01/13/2008 11:23 PM
>                                                                         To
>    "Kashyap, Vipul" <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG>, <>,
>    "public-semweb-lifesci hcls" <>, "Stanley
>    Huff" <>, "Yan Heras"
>    <>, "Oniki, Tom (GE Healthcare,
>    consultant)" <>, "Joey Coyle" <>,
>    "Landen Bain" <>, "Bron W. Kisler"
>    <>, "Rucker, Donald (MED US)"
>    <>, "Bulusu, Vijay" <>,
>    <>, <>, "Allen, George O"
>    <>, <>,
>    <>, <>,
>    <>, <>, "Chintan Patel"
>    <>, "Valenzuela, Miguel"
>    <>, "Dan Corwin" <>,
>    <>, "Chute, Christopher G., M.D., Ph.D."
>    <>, "Parsa Mirhaji" <>
>                                                                         cc
>                                                                    Subject
>    [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon January 15 2008
>    Phone                    +1 617 761 6200, conference 24668 ("BIONT")
>    IRC                       irc://
>    Browser-based IRC client [1],
>                             OR
>                             [2],
>                             Server:
>                             Channel: #hcls
>    Agenda:
>    1. Roll Call
>    2. Administrative Issues: Set up New COI mailing List - Eric P
>    3. Update on Mock Patient Data
>     (Wiki page set up at:
>    [3]
>    ckedUpPatientData)
>    4. Update on Identifying Modeling Constructs for Diabetes Data
>    Requirements
>    [4]
>    MRDFOWL?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ModelingConstructsForDiabetesDa
>    ta.xls
>    4. Data Requirements for Hypertension Study - George and Sudha
>    5. Feedback on Brainstorming Document - Vipul
>    [5]
>    tion=AttachFile&do=get&target=BrainstormingSlides.ppt
>    6. Resource Commitments for COI Project
>    [6]
>    sourceCommitments.html
>    7. IRB Approval Updates - Vipul, George, Jyoti, Tom, Rachel, Parsa
>    Please let me know if you have any other items you would like to
>    discuss.
>    Thanks,
>    ---Vipul
>    The information transmitted in this electronic communication is
>    intended only
>    for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain
>    confidential
>    and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination
>    or other
>    use of or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by
>    persons or
>    entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you
>    received this
>    information in error, please contact the Compliance HelpLine at
>    800-856-1983 and
>    properly dispose of this information.
> Riferimenti
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.
>    6.

Alessio Carenini
CEFRIEL * Politecnico di Milano
Via Fucini, 2 * 20133 Milano (Italy)

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2008 18:44:37 UTC