Re: updated bams instance style model

Hi Luis,

I think I understand what you are doing with the properties. You have  
(in abstract syntax)

Class(Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum partial)

What this says, is that if you have X  
Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum-has Y, then X must be a  
and Y can be either a alpha2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor or a  
alpha4-2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor or a ...

A more common idiom would be:

ObjectProperty(has domain(Brain_Parts) range(Brain_Parts))  // is  
this right? or is the range protein/receptor?

The following says for any X where   
Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum has X, X must be
either a alpha2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor, or a sulfhydryl_oxidase  
or a....
It doesn't say is actually has any Xs, though (neither does the the  
current version)

       restriction(has allValuesFrom

The following says that every Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum  
has at least one
alpha2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor and at least one sulfhydryl_oxidase  
and at least one ...

Class(Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum partial
       intersectionOf(restriction(has someValuesFrom 
		     restriction(has someValuesFrom(sulfhydryl_oxidase))
		     restriction(has someValuesFrom 
		     restriction(has someValuesFrom 

Do either of these capture what the "has" relationship is supposed to  
mean? Is the object of a "has" relationship always a some sort of  


On Mar 15, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

> Hi Luis,
> Thanks for this! I'm starting to have a look...
> In the following, owl:range should be owl:Class, I think.
> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum- 
> has">
>   <rdfs:domain  
> rdf:resource="#Subiculum_ventral_part_stratum_radiatum"/>
>    <rdfs:range>
>      <owl:Class>
>        <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
>         <owl:range rdf:about="#alpha2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor"/>
>         <owl:range rdf:about="#sulfhydryl_oxidase"/>
>         <owl:range rdf:about="#alpha4-2_subunit_nicotinic_receptor"/>
>         <owl:range rdf:about="#alpha4-1_subunit_nicotinic_receptor"/>
>      </owl:unionOf>
>     </owl:Class>
>   </rdfs:range>
> </owl:ObjectProperty>
> The class named "_" isn't defined - was this intended?
> <owl:Class rdf:about="#BAMS-Atlases">
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#_" />
> </owl:Class>
> Also, BAMS-Atlases is class without subclasses or instances - was  
> that your intention?
> What's the idea behind making all the object properties, rather  
> than, for instance a single has, has-target, etc?
> -Alan
> On Mar 15, 2007, at 2:50 PM, Luis Marenco wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I helped Mihai Bota design the prototype BAMS xml protocol (for  
>> anatomical data)
>> for the purpose of facilitating export of its contents into  
>> Ontology servers.
>> (e.g.: QIS system. In very alpha version: http://os- 
>> ), There
>> some vocabularies and simple ontologies can be automatically  
>> imported, mapped,
>> and allowed to be exported in several experimental protocols.
>> For Bams, an Owl dump can be accessed at
>> You can import this ontology directly into Protege following the  
>> next steps
>> . Select -> File\New Project
>> . Check the box "[ ]Create from Existing sources"
>> . Select Project type "OWL/RDF Files"
>> . Click [next] button
>> . Copy and paste
>> " 
>> sid=22"
>> . Click [Next >] button
>> . Select "OWL DL"
>> . Click [Next >] button
>> . Select "Logic View"
>> . Click [Finish] button
>> Use the same stpes to import an old ontology version of NeuronDB
>> ModelDB
>> and others ...
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________
>> Luis Marenco
>> Yale Center for Medical Informatics
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John  
>> Barkley
>> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:22 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: updated bams instance style model
>> I put the updated bams instance style model on the wiki page
>> The new version modifies the old version according to Alan's
>> suggestions from tuesday's f2f.
>> jb

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 21:02:04 UTC