HCLSig meeting minutes March 1, 2007

Thurs, March 1 Teleconference Agenda: 
Time: 11:00 am EDT March 1, 2007 in America/New York for a duration of
1 hour
Phone: tel:+1-617-761-6200 (Zakim) conference #4257 (HCLS)
Chairs: Eric Neumann, Tonya Hongsermeier
a) Convene, take roll, review record
b) Propose next HCLS call March 8, 2007, nominate a scribe
c) Update on possible NCBI URI space
d) Previous Actions items:
     i. Role definition of SWD editor for controlled vocabularies - ACTION ITEM:
Revisit Next Week
     ii. Vipul to invite Stan Huff to present his work to this group - ACTION
ITEM: Revisit Next Week
     iii. Task forces' draft pages - 

Draft Notes, Eric, Vipul submitted link, Susie: what are these notes?  We are
focused on the demo at the moment, sole goal right now, URI note, who owns?
Eric:  Please create a draft for BIO RDF  Susan: we have pages that have been
written, but these are not action item deliverable,  BIO RDF links have been
posted... URI note
t&target=getting-information.txt   Eric had difficulty retrieving notes
deliverables from F2F meeting, we still should be on track to produce the
     iv. Summary of discussion between EricN and Alan on possibility of
including Tox data in the demo

Eric and Alan discussed question of any proposed therapeutic approaches,
potential clinical studies that show tox effects, Alan: limiting factor is
manpower, need someone to ID the use cases, once that is layed out, Matthias and
Alan can proceed, need a narrative, can you do that?  Eric = we can easily
mangle data together, Alan: demo is focused on real uses, snippets, but points
will be technical points, doesn't have to be a connected narrative, but
illustrate queries, that even in a fragmented way, illustrate how the data can
be accessed using RDF,  ACTION ITEM: Eric:  I can deliver probably deliver
something in the time frame,  Alan I need to know which are the minimal things I
need to connect to to create your story, just some specific compounds,   
v.   AlanR "grocery list" of data and tools 
I sent some out in the form of ideas of actual things to do in the demo - posted
to IRC - we'll talk more on Monday during the face to face, Eric P. will not be
able to attend design session, but bill be at the hacking session,  trying to
convert GENSET, for data integration, trying to do demo where a mapping is in
place, then add a new mapping, requery and see new results, will do this over
cell types, for demoing specificity, will do search against Google, compare with
SPARQL query, for comparing standard relational model from SQL to SPARQL, will
want to show that when you have a relational database, flash a relations diagram
and struggle forward vs SPARQL whereby you can pull the classes and properties
and improve discoverability efficiency,  for Browsing, am thinking about
different UI approaches, can use a timeline illustration, graph illustration,
show how different visualization approaches work,  Alan dropped these into IRC
log,  Eric: will you be able to id URIs for different tissues -  Alan spoke too
fast..  Vipul: alan, transitive closure?  Alan - there is a nice one, taking
biopax and adding 4 superproperty relations and a transitive role, then suddenly
can do new queries, Vipul:  also transitive closure over GO relations  Alan:
one of the issues with doing this inside the triple store is the question of the
triple store supporting it
     vi. BIRN data discussion

     vii. F2F planning: demo hack session (Susie and Vipul)
Susie:  Swann folks will host the meeting, will have phones in the room, second
F2F on the 13th of March to focus on linking the data sets together, 
e) Additional WWW2007 planning
Susie - many opportunities to present the Demo, many conferences, Who will
present at WWW20007, IVAN: I need names of presenters, title into agenda by end
of day tomorrow, typically no more than 2 presenters,   Eric : is the HCLS track
only?  Ivan; No the W3C track, within 90 minutes devoted to Semantic web, a 30
minutes lot,  Eric; Alan should be one?    Alan : can one of the SWAN folks
present on the science context, 4 minutes tops - IVAN - Alan and Susie can
handle... Alan:  would be nice if Susie did this with me, Ivan:  I'm happy, send
me a title  ACTION Alan and Susie will propose session to Ivan by tomorrow
Eric:  additional planning, Kei - too much echo to scribe - plan is to accept
8-10 papers for an entire day event, as we go along, if we refine further, will
let group know what the structure is,  Eric;  will post in future TCs, Kei:
aiming for 2 keynote speakers, one is Carole Goble, looking for another one,
ideally someone from industry,  and 5 for a panel discussion,  Susie mentioned
submission for ISMB,  I will go ahead and submit the HCLS paper we already
written to special ISMB section on "highlighted papers",  
Next call is next week... review outcome of the Monday meeting
End of minutes


Tonya Hongsermeier, MD, MBA 
Corporate Manager, 
Clinical Knowledge Management and Decision Support 

Partners HealthCare System 
Clinical Informatics Research and Development 
93 Worcester Street, PO Box 81905 
Wellesley, MA 02481 
P: 781.416.9219     Mobile: 617.717.8711 
Fax: 781.416.8912  


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Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 17:03:10 UTC