- From: Mark Montgomery <markm@kyield.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:58:29 -0700
- To: <samwald@gmx.at>, "Pat Hayes" <phayes@ihmc.us>, <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG>
- Cc: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>, <eneumann@teranode.com>
See an opportunity to chime in here and perhaps provide perspective from my perch. First, I hate to put a damper on enthusiasm and passion, provided of course it's not wasted on beating one's head against a wall for no reason, which is too often the case in my business and history. Secondarily, visualization and the use of maps can be very useful in communications- with some more than others. Otherwise we wouldn't be using a mouse. I would caution against attempting to show the enormously broad areas such as "healthcare" as it's nearly impossible, or even the semantic web. I've reviewed some of the efforts to use mapping for the entire web or portions thereof- unless it can be totally automated with full participation and enormous drill downs like physical/earth search engine maps, few have sufficient resources even if it could be managed well. I would also add that one shouldn't cave into peer pressure even in a collaborative forum as that would have stalled most important innovations. If a person sees value in something that others don't, well that's how we evolve- by demonstrating it. Academia in particular is obviously famous for protecting turf and tearing down good efforts (including squashing funding) that later proved not only valid, but superior to the status quo. While I find myself agreeing often here with Pat, and it's a good question, I don't think there is any question on the answer- maps do have value, particularly when linked/functional- but it all depends on the map which of course depends upon the technology and not only the skills of the creators, but also their understanding of what needs to be shown. While on the topic, I'd like to share some views on the semantic web from a business perspective. Unlike the web, the semantic web has failed to become widely adopted in a short period of time, so the criticisms are often valid and it would be foolhardy to disagree with much of it as it is factual. Of course the dollars flowing into R&D make admitting that very difficult for those who have conflicts, which is almost everyone, and that's not good for the medium or goal. Truth works best regardless of how difficult to accept. However, that's not to say in the least that the incremental tech advances used between partners in private, or that which can be shared publicly, is of any less value. The potential value for society, particularly in science, is huge. Interoperability is essential as is collaboration. But make no mistake that our world has finite resources and even the most charitable investments must demonstrate that the investment is worthwhile- otherwise the resources will flow elsewhere eventually. And much of this frankly represents intellectual property even from universities and foundations- even government agencies don't share much. Unfortunately, it is true that universal standards often conflict directly with the interests of the prospective users and stake holders- particularly the entrenched, so aligning interests is obviously essential and very difficult. The internet and web were both historic exceptions of immense proportions, but they are not the only. As a practical matter, it is very difficult for me to find viable business and economic models relating to the semantic web and ontologies other than simply consulting and services of the type we've seen clustered around D.C.- but that's a relatively tiny portion of even a niche. That is a problem for wide adoption, as is the complexity of the tools. And the more free work that is done at higher quality, the more acclimatized customers become to receiving services and products for free, so the barriers to entry for innovators (sustainable economics) become ever greater. The law of best inentions is alive and well here and elsewhere. Generally speaking, it's been my observation over time that highly focused entrepreneurial efforts can be very effective in overcoming many of these obstacles, and frankly better than loose knit collaborations, but it's also extremely challenging to serve new technologies and products to the enterprise market. .02- MM Mark Montgomery CEO, Kyield http://www.kyield.com Managing Partner Initium Venture Capital http://www.initiumcapital.com This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. ----- Original Message ----- From: <samwald@gmx.at> To: "Pat Hayes" <phayes@ihmc.us>; <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG> Cc: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>; <eneumann@teranode.com> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 2:11 PM Subject: Re: RE: RE: [hcls] A map of the Semantic Web for life science and health care > > >> I was beginning to wonder about that. What >> exactly (or even approximately) is the purpose of >> making these diagrams? > > To see what ontologies/data we have. > To see where we have real connections between them. > To see where we do not have these connections. > To see which fields of the very broad area of 'health care and life > science' are being covered at the moment. > >> Are they supposed to >> convey useful information to somebody? > > Yes. > >> to who? > > To us current developers. > To potential future developers. > To people that want to use our Semantic Web creations and don't know what > we have to offer at the moment. > To people with general interest in ontologies and web technologies. > To people that try to criticize the Semantic Web for being a mere academic > vision. > To W3C members that want to evaluate what the HCLS IG has actually > accomplished during its existence. > > cheers, > Matthias Samwald > > ---------- > > Yale Center for Medical Informatics, New Haven / > Section on Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vienna / > http://neuroscientific.net > > > > > . > -- > Psssst! 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