Re: RE: RE: [hcls] A map of the Semantic Web for life science and health care

> I was beginning to wonder about that. What 
> exactly (or even approximately) is the purpose of 
> making these diagrams? 

To see what ontologies/data we have.
To see where we have real connections between them.
To see where we do not have these connections.
To see which fields of the very broad area of 'health care and life science' are being covered at the moment.

> Are they supposed to 
> convey useful information to somebody? 


> to who?

To us current developers.
To potential future developers.
To people that want to use our Semantic Web creations and don't know what we have to offer at the moment.
To people with general interest in ontologies and web technologies.
To people that try to criticize the Semantic Web for being a mere academic vision.
To W3C members that want to evaluate what the HCLS IG has actually accomplished during its existence.

Matthias Samwald


Yale Center for Medical Informatics, New Haven /
Section on Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vienna /

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Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 21:12:09 UTC