Re: SenseLab Ontology

On 4/7/07, Alan Ruttenberg <> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2007, at 10:17 PM, Huajun Chen @ Zhejiang University wrote:
> >>  - The layout of
> >> ndbRegions.asp?sr=0 suggests that there is some relation between
> >> principal neurons and interneurons. I don't know the biology here -
> >> is there? Also, some of the interneurons in that table are principal
> >> neurons in the ontology.
> > NeuronDB does contain such kind of information, my programs just did
> > not retrieve these data.  Is this information essential?
> I don't know. I guess I am first concerned about mistakes here. The
> two things that seemed odd were that the page would show structure
> the database doesn't have (I assumed that the pages were generated
> from the database), and that the page didn't agree with the database
> (at least as reflected by the OWL) wrt which neuron cells were which,
> which would seem to indicate that there is an error on the page, or
> in the database.

Oh, that's a fault of my program, it does not recognize interneuron
and pricipal neuron when translating. Since the total number of
interneuron is very small, I manually modify this part after the
transformation.  That's gonna be ok in the next version.

> If the distinction between principal and interneuron isn't important
> then perhaps it shouldn't appear in the ontology.
> -Alan

Received on Sunday, 8 April 2007 02:41:22 UTC