Re: proposal for standard NCBI database URI

>>>>> "MH" == Matt Halstead <> writes:

  >> We would not be happy to have huge amounts of redundant resources
  >> linked with owl:sameAs. owl:sameAs is nice when it only needs to
  >> be used sparingly, but having two different naming schemes of a
  >> large protein database linked through owl:sameAs would 'pollute'
  >> the Semantic Web right from the beginning. We should seek to
  >> avoid this when we are still in the position to do so.

  MH> I cannot see this can be avoided. The bigger picture is that
  MH> different databases and groups associated with them will use
  MH> different URI schemes for describing the same thing. Also,
  MH> things that were deemed not the same once may become thought of
  MH> as the same later. 

Also, it's not clear what it meant by "same thing". 

An genbank record and embl record identifying the same piece of DNA
are not the same thing; they are different records. Given that this is
the semantic web, it might be nice to be able to state "different
records, but same gene". Or probably "different record, but same gene,
according to some criteria". 


Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 09:47:23 UTC