Re: BioRDF [Telcon]: slides for the UMLS presentation

Hi Kei,

I am under the impression that the neuronames ontology available on their website (as an Excel file...) is different from the version that is licensed as part of the UMLS. I guess the version that is online is a newer version of the one incorporated in UMLS. However, this might be seen as a derivative work, so it might still be restricted. In that case, it would seem like people of the neuronames group are violating the licence restrictions themselves (by making it available on the internet). I will write them and ask about that.

kind regards,

> Hi Matthias,
> Thanks for doing that, but do we still have the licensing issue as
> stated by Olivier?
> Cheers,
> -Kei
> Matthias Samwald wrote:
>> I will convert the neuronames - ontology to SKOS (an OWL ontology
>> used for the representation of taxonomies / theasauri). It will
>> be added to the extension of the bio-zen ontologies framework
>> [1]. I will keep you updated.
>> kind regards,
>> Matthias Samwald
>> [1]
>> On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 21:17:55 -0400, kc28 wrote:
>>> For more up-to-date information about neuronames and related
>>> tools, please visit:
>>> While building our own open neural anatomy is one option,
>>> getting the neuroscientist (e.g., braininfo people) involved if
>>> possible may be another option (outreach to the neuroscience
>>> community?).

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 19:38:24 UTC