Re: [HCLS] HCLS group's ontology/test case hosting location?

Eric Neumann wrote:
> Ivan,
> Your suggestion makes a lot of sense, so let's begin by placing  drafts
> on the wiki, and migrating them as they become mature.
> I do have write permission for sw/hcls, but cannot set the files in 
> most directories for public access-- we'll have to coordinate.

Sure. Let that be the biggest problem in life!:-)


> Eric
> On Aug 17, 2006, at 3:21 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Any of those addresses could work, the real question is whether these
>> are initial drafts, final, cast-in-concrete files, or somewhere in
>> between...
>> If they are really drafts, to be changed often and by a lot of people,
>> then the wiki might be a good idea.
>> More stable files should probably go on the W3C space. This gives  them a
>> more protected situation (in theory, the wiki files can be spammed by
>> anybody...). They would also have a nicer URI, the wiki attachement
>> URI-s can be pretty ugly:-). Whether it is sw/hcls or date space, it
>> does not really matter; I have a slight preference for sw/hcls in this
>> case. Eric, do you have a write permission for that directory? If not,
>> the files will have to be uploaded physically by me.
>> Ivan
>> Eric Neumann wrote:
>>> Helen,
>>> We could probably put it in a location such
>>> as, but I will have to ask Ivan first.  It
>>> could also be placed within the HCLS site:
>>> sw/hcls/
>>> Are you considering mainly a collection of test cases or drafts of
>>> to-be-proposed best practice files? That might help determine  where
>>> they
>>> should go-- the WIKI pages can support such files being uploaded as
>>> attachments that are then linked form the wiki page...
>>> ... Ivan, what would you recommend?
>>> Eric
>>> On Aug 16, 2006, Helen Chen wrote:
>>>> Hi, Eric and Tonya
>>>> Is there a place at w3c for the HCLS group where we can place  ontology
>>>> and rules files (*.owl *.rdf *.n3) generated from our group  discussion
>>>> and test cases?   Similar to this kind of links:
>>>> Kind regards.
>>>> Helen
>> -- 
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>> URL:
>> PGP Key:
>> FOAF:


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2006 11:48:34 UTC