Re: [HCLS] HCLS group's ontology/test case hosting location?

Hi, Eric and Ivan

The triples we wrote at the moment are indeed drafts at the early stage 
(maybe be called initial drafts?).  What we need is a public place to 
place those files and then access/import those triples in 
development/reasoning environment, say Protege by a number of people who 
are working together. 

Those files are expected to change very frequently at this stage. 

We have loaded some of the files as wiki attachments, see

What is the uri for the file, for example ACPPOntologyRIM.n3?

Kind regards.


>>Eric Neumann wrote:
>> Ivan,
>> Your suggestion makes a lot of sense, so let's begin by placing  drafts
>> on the wiki, and migrating them as they become mature.
>> I do have write permission for sw/hcls, but cannot set the files in 
>> most directories for public access-- we'll have to coordinate.

>Sure. Let that be the biggest problem in life!:-)


Received on Thursday, 17 August 2006 16:31:41 UTC