RE: introductions: eric miller, w3c

Howdy, I'm Steve Bedrick. I'm a PhD student in Biomedical Informatics at
the Oregon Health & Science University, and I'm particularly interested
in studying ways to use semantic web technologies in the realm of
"translational genomics". An up-and-coming problem right now in medical
informatics seems to be finding ways to integrate genomic data with
other medical information, and I think that SW tools (OWL, etc.) will be
crucial in helping to accomplish this. I'm also excited about the
possibilities that RDF, LSID's, and OWL offer within the field of
bioinformatics itself- integrating data from different databases becomes
orders of magnitude easier once RDF and LSID come into play.

I'm excited about the W3C's HCLSIG for a number of reasons, but
primarily because I think it can help drive adoption and increase
awareness of SW technologies and concepts. We've got all of these great
technologies and standards... but too few people who *could* be taking
advantage of them *are* taking advantage of them, and more often than
not it seems like the reason for this is that they don't know what's out
there already.


Received on Thursday, 1 December 2005 21:52:52 UTC