Call for Level 2 feature proposals for Presentation API and Remote Playback API

Hi All,

Now is a particularly good time to share any Level 2 (aka "v2") feature proposals for the Presentation API and Remote Playback API.

As a concrete example, Mark just opened an issue for the group to consider use cases for Presentation API v2 with VR capable displays [1].

The v2 feature proposals are labeled with "v2" in GitHub: currently 9 for the Presentation API [2], and 0 for the Remote Playback API.

Any further v2 feature proposals should be recorded in GH issues similarly.

The v2 proposals will be considered as input for rechartering as noted in the Second Screen WG Charter extension announcement [3]. Prior to rechartering we have an opportunity to discuss these proposals at our TPAC F2F [4] next week and gauge which proposals have wider support.


-Anssi (Second Screen WG Chair)


Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 13:10:24 UTC