Time ontology extension for non-Gregorian calendars

Dear all,

I have a project of encoding date description in non-Gregorian
calendars, mostly Chinese, Tibetan, South-East Asian and Indian. I
started a small example with a few properties on


I would like to ask a few big picture questions about my idea:

- are there similar initiatives? (for any type of non-Gregorian calendar)

- would this working group host such an initiative?

- if not, what do you think the best course of action would be for me
to have the most useful result?

- there are patterns that will be common to most non-Gregorian
calendars (duplicate days and month, eras other than the Common Era,
etc.), and it would seem strange to define properties in a scoped
extension (such as the one I envision). Could these patterns be
proposed as an extension to the Time Ontology? Or should there be a
more general non-Gregorian Time Ontology that would cover these?

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,
Elie Roux
Technical lead of Buddhist Digital Resource Center

Received on Thursday, 21 May 2020 11:52:33 UTC