Re: Online meeting planning

Hi Linda,
I’m keen! GMT +10 at present.

Sent from my iPhone

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On 1 May 2020, at 7:24 pm, Linda van den Brink <> wrote:

Hi all,

One of the things I added to our revised charter, in consultation with Ted, is that we should have a regular telco again [1]. We were aiming to start doing this in April, but things got in the way. However, I would like to schedule one for this May.

I don’t have an agenda in mind yet, but it would include a short overview of the work items we have. I’m interested in hearing proposals for topics as well!

It’s always tricky to find a good time slot, but we should try to find one that is at least somewhat doable for all of us who are interested in attending.

With that in mind, if you are interested in participating, please respond to this email expressing your interest, and mention the time zone you’re in.

Thank you!



Received on Friday, 1 May 2020 12:43:18 UTC