- From: Armin Haller <armin.haller@anu.edu.au>
- Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 22:24:48 +0000
- To: Francois Daoust <fd@w3.org>, "public-sdwig@w3.org" <public-sdwig@w3.org>
Late apologies from me. The SSN primer group has not been started yet. We are currently working on a journal paper on the SSN ontology and will commence the work on the primer early next year when this work has finished. On 30/11/17, 8:28 am, "Francois Daoust" <fd@w3.org> wrote: Hi all, The minutes of today's plenary call for the Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group are available online at: https://www.w3.org/2017/11/29-sdw-minutes.html ... and copied as raw text below. We went through the different on-going activities in the IG. Peter Rushforth presented MapML, developed in the Maps for HTML Community Group. Follow-up discussion on the topic expected and actually already started on the mailing-list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2017Nov/0034.html Thanks, Francois. ----- Spatial Data on the Web IG Call 29 November 2017 [2]Agenda [3]IRC log [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2017Nov/0031.html [3] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/29-sdw-irc Attendees Present Andrea_Perego, Bill_Roberts, Chris_Little, Francois_Daoust, Jeremy_Tandy, Linda_vanden_Brink, Michael_Gordon, Peter_Rushforth, Rob_Atkinson, Joseph_Abhayaratna, Peter_Rushforth Chair Jeremy, Linda Scribe Linda, tidoust Contents * [4]Meeting Minutes 1. [5]Sub-groups and their work plans 2. [6]Tools and Web-pages for SDW-IG 3. [7]Update on MapML 4. [8]Updates from each active work stream 5. [9]Next meeting Meeting Minutes [Jeremy going through patent policy statement] Sub-groups and their work plans jtandy: After last meeting last month, we discussed with Linda, Francois, Scott. … We have a Statistics Data on the Web group led by Bill. Bill: Right. … Liaison with Stats CG goes well. On the call last time. jtandy: SSN Primer group led by Armin who is not around, so cannot confirm. … SSN & Observation doc, not ready yet, so not moving ahead for now. … Spatial data on the Web BP group led by Michael, first call an hour ago. … The errata for the specs published by the WG, we're not going to process them in sub groups but within the whole group. … QB4ST, I have an action to check with roba, we can talk about that later on. … Also EO-QB, so far, we haven't had any contacts with the previous editors. … Effectively, you can organize your own work, and then we'll try to update on progress from everyone to see what support you might need from the group. Linda: I did have some email contact with Kerry. She did say that she was planning to join this IG but haven't done so yet. ChrisLittle: One of the issues I want to discuss is a follow-up in Time Ontology in OWL. Interested in non-Gregorian calendar such as the 365 calendar. … It's not quite errata for the Time Ontology. … I'm certainly going to discuss it next week in OGC. … Would this group have any views? roba: That sort of example of using other calendars would be a use case for QB4ST. … It's certainly of interest and make a useful test case. jtandy: In terms of publishing stuff, we can create Notes without problem. … To push it as a REC, we need to go through a more formalized process. Francois: I confirm we need a WG to publish as a REC. That's doable! Francois: The Spatial Data on the Web WG is in passive mode. We'd need a new group (possibly with the same name, but a new one reviewed by the Advisory Committee) jtandy: We can start the incubation in this IG. Tools and Web-pages for SDW-IG <jtandy> [10]https://www.w3.org/2017/sdwig/ [10] https://www.w3.org/2017/sdwig/ jtandy: Francois is maintaining the home page manually for now. jtandy: What we're proposing with Linda is that we do as much work as we can in the GitHub repository, and use Markdown … I have done it before in another project. I have an action to kick things off. <MichaelGordon> +1 <ChrisLittle> +1 GitHub and markdown roba: The ReSpec system has a way of handling bibliography and links. Is there a middle ground? … using Markdown? Francois: ReSpec supports Markdown, I think, so you can benefit from these in Markdown too. … I need to dig it up, will share links. Bill: I used Markdown for the Stats on the web BP. It works fine. MichaelGordon: During the SDW BP maintenance call, we had a similar discussion. Planning to use Markdown to share Comm plan. … I haven't used ReSpec at all. Goal is to make sure that people are familiar with tools. Suggests listing some notes. jtandy: There's a lot of material available already. For ReSpec, one thing that I found useful was working with someone who was already familiar with ReSpec. … We can write a little Primer to guide our users on tools we're using. jtandy: What about the "harmonizing WG home pages" activity? Francois: No news for now. Will check and report. Update on MapML [11]Maps for HTML CG [11] https://www.w3.org/community/maps4html/ PeterRushforth: I prepared a presentation with audio and video and wonder if it is possible to show that over WebEx [Playing with WebEx] PeterRushforth: We started the Map for HTML CG in 2014 at the Linking Spatial Data meetup in London … I've been prototyping the concepts we've talked about in that meeting since then. … I'd like to give you a demo today. PeterRushforth: Maps for HTML is a markup language. Standardization of maps in HTML is an attainable goal, that's what we'd like to demonstrate. … Location plays a role in every decision that we make today and into the future. … And yet, integration of spatial data is not done. … There's no go to standards for Web mapping. … Where should the beginners start? … The Web is for everyone said Tim Berners Lee. If it's not easy to make a map, we're not doing good. … Making Web mapping the exclusive domain of seasoned and specialists … is restrictive. … We need to step back. … How to have newcomers start their journey through GIS? … The Web platform is the ubiquitous platform that we need. … The Maps for HTML CG is to extend HTML to include maps so that people can use the tools everyone has to play with maps. … [showing a demo of a maps services repository in Canada] … Searchable and indexable repository. Supports maps in more than one projection. That's a concept in MapML to include other projections. … The Canadian geospatial platform provides many map services in Lambert Conformal Conic form. … The Canada base map. Here, you're seeing one rendered with an HTML Custom Element. … Works like a leaflet. … And in fact I used Leaflet for this. … See the <map> tag element. … Attributes used to extend the base element … [using view source to show the rendering of the map element] … MapML is modeled from HTML. The idea is that it represents a map element that supports stacking of layers. … The <extent> element is based on the form element but supports inputs that are specific to maps. … The <tile> element implements the OGC aspect … Cubewerx implements MapML. They implemented the gotopo layer for instance. … Finally, just to close the loop on data types that are available. We have a vector dataset here. … It behaves like how you would expect them to behave. Map balloons for different features. Features would by stylable using CSS and vanilla Web technologies. PeterRushforth: I invite people to come to the CG! ChrisLittle: OGC mailing-list discussion about stylesheets. Rob and Jerome something, comes out of an ad-hoc meeting we had somewhere. Trying to ressussissate "SLDSE" … CSS deemed too complex for the hierarchy in maps. … But the open source community reacted to that because it was felt too complex jtandy: Can I ask you two to have a discussion about that on the mailing-list? ChrisLittle: Sure! jtandy: Anything you need from the IG, Peter? <roba> what about topology-centric maps? where navigation is by topological relationships rather than coordinates? PeterRushforth: What do you think about the idea of standardizing maps in HTML? jtandy: Why don't you share the presentation with voice-over on the mailing-list and start the discussion there? Updates from each active work stream billroberts: Stats on the Web group. We had a call last week. 7 people roughly. Intro call. Focusing on examples. Jo volunteered to present at the geosemantic meeting of the OGC meeting next week. … I'm summarizing what we're doing in that group for the OGC. jtandy: Are you clear what your aims are for the group? billroberts: Yes. Same as the SDW BP doc, but for Stats! jtandy: Anything you need from the group, chairs and Francois? billroberts: Nothing that I already got. jtandy: Michael, what are your aims? Progress? Need from the group? Michael: BP maintenance sub-group. Adoption and evangelization of the Best Practices to encourage knowledge of them. … And then to look at the gaps that have already been called out in the document. … I think certainly that's where we want to see feedback … Adoption of the best practices, first area. … In terms of progress, we just had our first call. … The main action point is for me to add details of some of the initial ideas to GitHub and provide a bit of structure, to be shared with the group in the next couple of weeks. … In terms of requirements, if people can evangelize the work in the meetings they attend, that's good, always useful! jtandy: Moving to Rob. roba: QB4ST update. To take it forward needs more work examples and implementation experience. If anybody is doing that, I will support that in terms of versioning and moving forward. … I'm having discussions with DGGS. … That's another set of use cases that would provide input. … Open work depending on what people are interested in. jtandy: You can tune the Note based on implementation experience. roba: Yes, or take it to the REC track if there is interest. jtandy: Same as for the time ontology, we need a WG to take things to REC. Just be aware of that. roba: Yes. It comes down to people wanting to implement things. jtandy: Exactly. That's what the Advisory Committee at W3C will look at. … Armin and Jano are not around to talk about SSN and Moving Objects. No one for EO-QB roba: EO-QB is really a best practices primer, including how to use QB4ST. Whether it needs to move forward as an enabler is an open question. jtandy: If it does awakens, and is BP, it may fall within Michael's job. <josephabhayaratna> Gotta run all. Until next time :) Francois: nothing on the Time ontology as far as errata … in the SSN spec a few broken links etc … strict policy for updating recs … but fixing links is allowed … will post on the mailing list … encourages people to look at the rec doc now because we will not do this update process many times <roba> can respec hav a ttl-lint function :-) <MichaelGordon> +1 <tidoust> +1 <roba> +1 jtandy: Thank you. Looking at the time, I suggest we talk about F2F options on the mailing-list. <ChrisLittle> +1 jtandy: TPAC updates? Linda: Not much to say, will raise on the mailing-list. jtandy: Same thing for accessibility on the maps. Linda: On the mailing-list, it's good. Next meeting jtandy: In a month, it will be pretty much Christmas and for many of us a difficult time for us to be available. When would people want to meet again? <roba> unavailble till the new year, then flexible MichaelGordon: I'm only available in the next couple of weeks, typically, then travel, Christmas and so on. billroberts: Just a suggestion that we have a 5 week gap until the next meeting. … We could start fresh and enthusiastic on the 3rd of January. jtandy: Any objection? <PeterRushforth> +1 <Linda> +1 ChrisLittle: [discussing timing of alternating plenary and group calls] jtandy: OK, January seems a good option. jtandy: It would be good to have an update about things that happened in New Zealand next time. <PeterRushforth> Thanks!! <ChrisLittle> bye
Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2017 22:25:18 UTC