- From: Linda van den Brink <l.vandenbrink@geonovum.nl>
- Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 09:28:55 +0000
- To: "public-sdwig@w3.org" <public-sdwig@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <13F9BF0BE056DA42BFE5AA6E476CDEFE0140FC248B@GNMSRV01.gnm.local>
Hi all, This Wednesday (or Thursday morning for some of us) at 20:00 UTC there is a plenary call of the SDW IG. (Note: it is preceded by the first BP subgroup meeting at 19:00 UTC). We have a packed agenda for the plenary. We'll spend as little time as we can on many of these items (the procedural stuff) so that we have enough time for the MapML intro and to discuss the various work items. Plenary agenda: ---------------------- 1) Sub-groups and their work plans (a quick summary of what we talked about on our catch up call on 31-October) [Jeremy] 2) Tools and Web-pages for SDW-IG [Jeremy] 3) Update on MapML [Peter Rushforth] 4) Updates from each active work stream (their aims, their progress, what they need from the group, what they need from Chairs / W3C staff contact): 4.1) REC track errata (Time Ontology, SSN Ontology) [Francois] 4.2) Statistical data on the Web [Bill] 4.3) SSN Primer [Armin] 4.4) Describing moving objects [Jano] 4.5) Spatial data best practices [Michael Gordon] 4.6) QB4ST [Rob Atkinson?] 4.7) EO-QB [Dmitry Brizhinev, Sam Toyer, Kerry Taylor?] 5) Face-to-face meeting(s) of SDW-IG: review two options [Jeremy] F2F meeting options: A) First Jan/Feb, location tbd (possibly Geonovum in Amersfoort); second at OGC TC 4-8 June at Fort Collins, Colorado; third at TPAC in Lyon 22-26 October B) First at OGC TC in 19-23 March in Orleans, second at TPAC in Lyon 22-26 October 6) New work item? Map Accessibility (discussion @ TPAC with Michael Cooper, W3C) [Linda] 7) TPAC Update [Linda] 8) Next plenary call? 9) AOB Meeting details: Date and time: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 20:00 UTC To join the Webex meeting: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m030a48e6b13c53be005e3202fd55a444 To join by phone: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Meeting number: 313 930 910 Meeting password: same as usual, see: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-archive/2017Oct/0152.html ... or get in touch with Francois <fd@w3.org<mailto:fd@w3.org>> if you cannot access that page. Speak to you soon! Linda & Jeremy, SDWIG chairs
Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:29:30 UTC