Re: Outstanding public comment about BP12 - convenience APIs

Hi Clemens- sorry about that. We just read the title, saw "API" and thought
of you. I've read through the email thread and see that there is no action
to be taken for SDWBP.

Thanks for flagging this so quickly.


On Wed, 3 May 2017 at 10:37 Clemens Portele <> wrote:

> Hi both,
> could you clarify what the outstanding public comment is. In the thread I
> see a discussion that led to an update of the DWBP and which we reference
> explicitly. What is still open?
> Thanks,
> Clemens
> On 3 May 2017 at 11:01, Jeremy Tandy <> wrote:
>> Hi Clemens -
>> on the detailed planning page [1] there's a outstanding public comment
>> about the API Best Practice. Could you please check that we have covered
>> the concerns raised - or that the submitter of these comments is content
>> with the how the BP is currently written.
>> Many thanks, Jeremy & Linda
>> [1]:

Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2017 12:19:46 UTC