Examples of CoverageJSON documents


This email is particularly directed at Rob A, but I thought I’d post it to the list in case it’s useful to others too. As I understand from the last Coverages telecon, Rob would like an example of a CoverageJSON dataset to support the QB4ST work.

There are several examples in the CoverageJSON playground (https://covjson.org/playground/). They are fairly minimal, but complete, examples of different kinds of coverages, usually with only a few data points in each one. If you want a more realistic example I can find one, but the main difference will be simply the size of the data involved – the metadata will look much the same.

All the examples can be accessed directly at https://github.com/covjson/playground/tree/master/public/coverages, if you don’t want to go through the Playground.

The examples don’t cover the gamut of what is possible with CoverageJSON – for example, the grids shown are simple lat-lon examples, but we can work with other projections too.

Hope this helps,

Received on Friday, 17 March 2017 12:22:10 UTC