Re: Link between FeatureOfInterest and xxxProperty

Dear all,

I think that being able to represent which properties relate to a 
certain feature is a requirement needed both in SOSA and in SSN.

For example, in the SSN usage analysis 
(, even if it is not exhaustive, 3 
ontologies and 2 datasets use the SSN properties to do so.

So I propose to open an issue to study this in deeper detail.

Kind regards,

El 24/2/17 a las 12:18, Rob Atkinson escribió:
> the FeatureOfInterest is an abstract class that a domain Class will be
> mapped to in an implementation - so the properties being measured are
> references to the properties defined in that class - i.e. I dont think
> we need to define the link that direction other than somehow stating
> this substitution
> i.e. perhaps  its defined in the implementation by making a statement
> that domain:Class rdfs:subClassOf sosa:FeatureOfInterest or even that
> there is a restriction on the range on sosa:featureOfInterest to be
> domain:Class
> I think its worth an OWL expert to lay out the exact options here in
> examples.
> Rob
> On Fri, 24 Feb 2017 at 02:24 Maxime Lefrançois
> < <>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     Implementing ACTION-268, I stumbled again on the fact that there is
>     currently no link between FeatureOfInterest and xxxProperty defined
>     in SOSA.
>     See also the figure attached
>     to
>     .
>     I would like us to discuss this shortly during the next call, there
>     are two simple options that I listed in the following wiki page:
>     For your interest, in one of the core SEAS ontologies we promote the
>     definition of  "functional sub-properties of ssn:hasProperty". See
> [1].
>     For example, some domain ontology would define:
>     ex:consumption a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
>       rdfs:subPropertyOf seas:hasProperty ;
>     Then in static instance data:
>     <fridge/1> a seas:FeatureOfInterest ;
>       ex:consumption <fridge/1/consumption> .
>     Core ontology seas:EvaluationOntology defines various ways to give
>     such Property a value.
>     [1] -
>     Kind regards,
>     Maxime


Dr. Raúl García Castro

Ontology Engineering Group
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, s/n - Boadilla del Monte - 28660 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 336 65 96 - Fax: +34 91 352 48 19

Received on Friday, 24 February 2017 11:44:08 UTC