Examples in SSN specification document

Dear all,

When do you think would be the best time to incorporate a primer section
and examples (remove all notes and exemplify all terms)?

Would it be best to wait for at least one public comment that complains
about the lack thereof?

There is one running example here:
 . I think having a good running example for the primer section is a good
thing, but will we be able to exemplify all of the terms and all of the
possibilities to use them using one single example ?
(quick comment: not a fan of naming a smartphone with the actual brand and
model -> the example will become quickly obsolete)

I also think multiplying simpler examples will allow us to show the width
of application domains that can be covered. I drafted other examples in
branch ssn-examples, see  https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/730

I would like to include them along with the running example Jano is
proposing. Would you agree?

The question remains: where exactly to put them and how,



Received on Monday, 24 April 2017 08:01:23 UTC