First Day of TPAC Meeting Notes

Hello everyone,

Greetings from a rather cold Sapporo, please find the draft notes from the
IRC below..

Linda has been updating in bullet form the BP document in GitHub, the
latest version is at

Please feel free to reply to the list with questions and comments, remember
there is also a webex at the end of the day if you are interested ..

Dial-in: +1.617.324.0000
Meeting #/Access code: 646 139 528

Because of the new Webex protocols if you need the password, let us know.

Ed & Kerry.


*Ed Parsons*
Geospatial Technologist, Google

Google Voice +44 (0)20 7881 4501 @edparsons

Received on Monday, 26 October 2015 09:22:21 UTC