Re: JSON a link poor format

Hi Simon.

That looks about right.

In JSON-LD, the @id name-value pair exists within a nested object. You can
add other name-value pairs within that nested object ... I think of these
as extra RDF triples that are included in the graph.

So the snippet from your example:


    "sampledFeature": {

        "@id": "",

        "title": "test feature A"


includes the RDF triple

*subject*: <>
*predicate*: :title
*object*: "test feature A"

(presumably title is aliased to `dct:title` ... other options include
`rdfs:label`. Your choice, what ever you want to specify in the @context.

Note that when you include additional name-value pairs like we have done
above, you can't coerce [1] the property `sampledFeature` to always refer
to an identifier (@id) because you need a nested object. Of course, you
could include the target object at the top-level in the graph; e.g.


    "@context": {

        "sampledFeature": {

            "@id": "",

            "@type": "@id"


        "title": {

            "@id": ""



    "@graph": [

        { "sampledFeature": "" },


            "@id": "",

            "title: "test feature A"



HTH, Jeremy


On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 at 01:02, <> wrote:

> Whoops – unbalanced braces. Fixed below.
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* Monday, 19 October 2015 10:10 AM
> *To:*;;
> *Subject:* [ExternalEmail] RE: JSON a link poor format
> Thanks Jeremy –
> Indeed – the approach to linking in OM-JSON is probably more a statement
> of requirements than a fully resolved solution.
> JSON-LD’s “@id” approach might be preferable, particularly (as you point
> out) it is the only linking mechanism for JSON which is fully and formally
> defined.
> How to mix in the other useful link properties?
> In JSON-LD the rel|xlink:arcrole function is satisfied by the property
> itself.
> So we just need to handle ‘title’.
> Re-writing the example from the OM-JSON presentation in a more
> JSON-LD-friendly manner, how does this look?
> ```
> {
>     "name": "spec1",
>     "sampledFeature": {
>         "@id": "", "title": "test feature A"
>     },
>     "complex": [
>         { "": { "@id": "
>", "title": "parent sample" }  },
>         { "": { "@id": "",
> "title": "child sample"  }  }
>     ],
>     ...
> }
> ```
> Simon
> *From:* Jeremy Tandy [
> <>]
> *Sent:* Friday, 16 October 2015 8:01 PM
> *To:* Linda van den Brink <>; SDW WG (
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: JSON a link poor format
> Hi
> Indeed, JSON-LD does resolve the problem of links ...
> However, there is some concern that formalism of JSON-LD places an
> additional burden over an above the use of 'plain-old-JSON' (as I call it)
> ... so there are still folks out there not wanting to adopt JSON-LD.
> Taking a look at some basic concepts in JSON-LD (from [1]):
> plain-old JSON =
> ```
> {
>   "name": "Manu Sporny",
>   "homepage": "",
>   "image": ""
> }
> ```
> ```
> {
>   "* <>*": "Manu Sporny",
>   "* <>*": *{ "@id": *"" *}*,  ← The '@id' keyword means 'This value is an identifier that is an IRI'
>   "* <>*": *{ "@id": *"" *}*
> }
> ```
> Looking at the final name-value pair (relating the profile object for
> 'Manu Sporny' to his chosen picture), there's quite a lot going on here ...
> 1) in the plain-old JSON, the link is provided as a simple URL that
> applications can _infer_ means that if they follow it they can find
> something useful
> 2) there are no semantics provided for the `image` name ... applications
> need to know somehow what it means; perhaps because the developer has read
> the documentation!
> 3) in the JSON-LD version we see that the target is an object with a
> name-value pair that has name of `@id`; this mechanism is used to say
> "here's an identified something" ... it's an explicit link
> 4) the `image` name is replaced by a fully qualified URL `
>` that, when resolved, provides you with the
> information about the semantics of that name.
> If desired, you can also express the Type of the thing being linked to by
> including a name-value pair with name of `@type` in the object ...
> One can also use JSON-LDs `@context` (see [2]) to make the resulting JSON
> look more 'normal':
> ```
> {
>   *"@context":*
> *  {*
> *    "name": " <>",*
> *    "image": {*
> *      "@id": " <>",*
> *      "@type": "@id"*
> *    },*
> *    "homepage": {*
> *      "@id": " <>",*
> *      "@type": "@id"*
> *    }*
> *  },*
>   "name": "Manu Sporny",
>   "homepage": "",
>   "image": ""
> }
> ```
> (the `@context` object can be referenced via HTTP header so the JSON
> document itself doesn't even need to include it)
> Here we see that the name `image` has been mapped to `
>` and that the type of that object has been set to
> `@id` ... meaning that `image` will always refer to a link.
> So this works for me ... but there is no general agreement how links
> should be done in 'plain-old' JSON.
> Looking at Simon Cox's OM-JSON presentation (from the OGC TC meeting in
> Nottingham) he proposes using names like `href`, `rel` and `title` (etc)
> which (mostly) map to the properties of XLINKs [3] ... e.g.
> ```
> {
>     "id": "spec1",
>     "sampledFeature": {
>         "href": "", "title": "test feature A"
>     },
>     "complex": [
>         { "rel": "", "href": "
>" },
>         { "rel": "", "href": "
>"  }
>     ],
>     ...
> }
> ```
> Looking at Link-Objects [4], GeoJSON provides a different mechanism. The
> spec says:
> A link object has one required member: "href", and one optional member:
> "type".
> for example:
> ```
> "crs"*:* {
>     "type"*:* "link",
>     "properties"*:* {
>       "href"*:* "",
>       "type"*:* "proj4"
>       }
>     }
> ```
> Part of the problem is that encodings using 'plain-old' JSON don't often
> bother explicitly identifying the resource that they are talking about.
> Looking at GeoJSON [4], for example, all that spec says about identifying
> this is:
> ·         If a feature has a commonly used identifier, that identifier
> should be included as a member of the feature object with the name "id".
> It doesn't provide any guidance about what that identifier should be (in
> contrast to the web-architecture and DWBP that say use HTTP URIs to
> identify things). Usually in JSON, the relationships between things are
> asserted by the nesting of objects ... which is not always convenient or
> possible.
> So ... is JSON a link-poor format? Perhaps the problem is that there are
> any number of ways to do links but none that work for everyone. The only
> formalised standard mechanism (that I know of) is provided by JSON-LD.
> Perhaps this is one of the best practices we should assert?
> HTH, Jeremy
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:
> On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 at 07:28 Linda van den Brink <
>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the last telecon Jeremy commented on JSON, saying it is a ‘link poor
> format’. I’m curious as to what he meant. Is JSON-LD not supposed to solve
> that?
> @Jeremy could you expand on this?
> Linda

Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 08:43:08 UTC