UCR issue 30: missing requirement


This is the thread for discussion of UCR issue 30
<http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/30>, the Case of the
Mysterious Missing Requirement.

The current description reads: '*see " relative (spatial) relationships
based on context e.g. my location [expressing location and places in human
terms] " from *
might know what use case it came from.'*

To me is not exactly clear yet what the requirement could be. Resolving
location names in human terms to geometry is called geocoding and is a well
established practice. Could this be about the need for having human
language equivalents for spatial relations? I can see that would be a
benefit for finding spatial data using a search engine.

If we find the related use case(s) we will probably get a better idea of
what the missing requirement could look like,


Received on Friday, 9 October 2015 13:11:56 UTC