[Bug 12845] Disallow shadowing attributes
[Bug 17713] Exceptions thrown from event handlers should not be propagated
[Bug 18242] Not clear what "script that invoked the method" means exactly in the case of e.g. a.setTimeout(b.postMessage, 0) // called from c
[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?
[Bug 20653] need a way for Web Components to cause new interface objects to exist dynamically
[Bug 21740] Guidance on DOMError and promises
[Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new
[Bug 23033] Requesting PermissionDeniedError to be added
[Bug 23133] Hook up interface object proto chains as if they were ES6 classes
[Bug 24403] WebIDL callbacks should probably default to pushing a new entry settings object
[Bug 25138] "Invoking callback functions"
[Bug 25300] WebIDL needs to be updated to new terminology around script settings objects
[Bug 26179] toString should be non enumerable
[Bug 27381] Basing Object.observe() for IDL objects on internal slots
[Bug 27822] Define the [[Prototype]] of the interface object of an interface whose parent has NoInterfaceObject
[Bug 27874] Microtasks and callbacks run from a queued task
[Bug 28978] The order of forEach() parameters for iterable declaration is inconsistent with other definitions
[Bug 28979] iterable declaration and forEach ECMAScript binding issues
[Bug 29386] Account for WindowProxy (window proxy)
Multiple globals and you
ReSpec and jQuery 3
Last message date: Thursday, 23 June 2016 04:27:55 UTC