Re: Defining a [[Set]] internal method for platform objects

On 2/10/15 6:01 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> - However, specifically needs to distinguish the cases of Receiver === O and Receiver !== O.
> - Thus we must add custom logic to [[Set]] instead of just [[DefineOwnProperty]] because only [[Set]] gets a receiver parameter.

Yep.  Also, to fix 
we need to pretend like a property that needs to be there for gets is 
not there for sets, which is only possible by doing a custom [[Set]] or 
[[Get]]; trying to do it all via [[GetOwnProperty]] can't work.  And 
since we kinda want a custom [[Set]] anyway for we're just going to 
do that and use the default [[Get]].


Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 04:15:27 UTC