Re: How to correctly spec sequences requiring an iterable

On Nov 15, 2013, at 11:01 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>>> >  On null or undefined, I see no need for the null disjunct. Precedent outside of null == undefined is lacking - particularly for a protocol (interface) test of this kind.
>> In general, null is useful, if you want to be sure you don't trigger a default parameter substitution.  Don't know whether that makes much of a difference in this case
> It's not a big deal, but a use-case would help more than a what-if. Also, moar precedent (even if new in ES6). Got any?

The Map and Set constructors are currently specified that way.  If you want to create an empty instance that uses the "is" comparator you can say either:

     let empty = new Map(undefined, "is");
     let empty = new Map(null, "is");

In addition to being shorter, I find the latter to be slightly more pleasant and consistent with the general meaning of null as in this case I an explicitly passing no object, rather than asking for a default value.


Received on Friday, 15 November 2013 19:51:28 UTC