Re: Figuring out easier readonly interfaces

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Simon Pieters <> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:45:50 +0200, Domenic Denicola <
>> wrote:
>  I think some example code helps this discussion. From what I can tell,
>> Mark is concerned about code like this:
>> ```js
>> if (rect instanceof DOMRectReadOnly) {
>>   // ok, it's read only, so only its creator can write it
>>   untrustedCode.**doSomethingWithRect(rect);
>>   // I can assume that rect has not change.
>> }
>> ```
> I think renaming doesn't really do much to ensure that the above situation
> doesn't materialize.

if (rect instanceof DOMRectReadable) {
  // ok, it's readable, so one can read rect
  // I can assume that rect may have been read.

Yes, there is still a possibility of confusion: rect being readable does
not imply that it is read-only, but one might still misread the correct
comments above as "I can assume that rect may have *only* been read." But
at least this is a misreading, and one can learn not to read in more than
the interface is claiming. Of course, such bugs will happen anyway, but
this misreading would now be on a par with other normal bugs, such as
confusing "if" with "iff".

It would be a whole 'nother level of programmer hostility to ask
programmers to learn: "When it says 'DOMRectReadOnly', ignore the 'Only'
part. It is just wrong."


   1. *1*.
   and no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively.
   "there are only a limited number of tickets available"
   synonyms:at most, at best, (only) just, no/not more than; More



      2. *2*.
   with the negative or unfortunate result that.
   "she turned into the parking car, only to find her way blocked"


   1. *1*.
   alone of its or their kind; single or solitary.
   "the only medal we had ever won"
   , single<>,
   (and only), solitary<>
   , lone<>
   , unique<>
   ; More



   1. *1*.
   except that; but for the fact that.
   "he is still a young man, only he seems older because of his careworn

If we want to avoid it, it's better to have completely separated interfaces.

Care to make a concrete proposal?

> --
> Simon Pieters
> Opera Software


Received on Thursday, 17 October 2013 23:12:51 UTC