Re: JSIDL ideas for read only (Was: RE: Figuring out easier readonly interfaces)

On 10/3/13 8:17 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> Just to be more helpful, I've done the complete desugaring, with branding for both sides, in [2].

That actually still doesn't help me.  I should have been clearer about 
what my question was.

If DOMPoint defines a getter but not setter for a property, that's 
pretty straightforward: DOMPoint.prototype has an own property 
descriptor where [[Get]] is the getter and [[Set]] is undefined.  All 
good so far.

Now if DOMPointMutable extends DOMPoint and defines only a setter for 
the property, what is the [[Get]] of the own property descriptor for 
that property on DOMPointMutable.prototype?  Does it pick up the [[Get]] 
that DOMPoint.prototype had for the property at the point at which the 
property is defined on DOMPointMutable?  Does it have undefined?  Does 
it have whatever the value of [[Get]] is on DOMPoint.prototype at the 
point when you do the [[GetOwnProperty]] call?  Something else?

That is, what does this desugar into in terms of actual Object.create() 
and Object.defineProperty() calls, for those of us who are not 
intimately familiar with the ES6 class syntax?


Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 13:00:08 UTC