Re: JSIDL ideas for read only (Was: RE: Figuring out easier readonly interfaces)

On 10/2/13 8:14 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> My preferred solution to the readonly "problem," in the pie-in-the-sky JSIDL future, would look something like this:
> ```jsidl
> class Point {
>    get number x
>    get number y
>    get number length
> }
> class MutablePoint extends Point {
>     set x(ToNumber)
>     set y(ToNumber)
> }

This is the general goal, yes.  But what actually happens here?  What 
actual prototype chain does that produce?  For example, what is the 
getter for the "x" own property of MutablePoint.prototype, if any?

> I realize this doesn't help you until JSIDL becomes more realistic

That's a nonissue.  What we're after here so far is what the actual 
behavior should be in terms of the prototype chain and what the various 
functions actually do.  The syntax for describing that behavior 
declaratively can be made up as needed once we understand what behavior 
we want.


Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 01:05:33 UTC