Re: Omissions in IDL sequence and IDL array conversion to ES array

João Eiras:
> Is it really an issue ? Are there overloaded APIs which support both
> dictionaries and arrays/sequences ? I don't recall any at the moment. Or
> if there was ambiguity, renaming one of the overloads would be an option.

Currently there are not, but I thought Anne's request to allow this kind 
of overloading (for the DOM method proposal of having an append() take 
various kinds of values) was reasonable.

I think the kind of API where you can pass a single item or an array of 
items is not uncommon.  And allowing primitive types and DOMString as 
the item type but not dictionary types seems a bit limiting.

In the future it will be possible to create an object that has [[Class]] 
== "Array" (maybe via the proposed <| operator), and jQuery results 
objects could be real arrays, be allowed as sequence values, and still 
have custom prototypes to hold all of the jQuery methods.

Received on Thursday, 5 January 2012 04:37:03 UTC