Re: Conflicts between W3C specs and ES5?

Mark S. Miller wrote:

> Just now, by chance, I came across
> <> which enumerates other
> alleged conflicts. What is the status of that page?

As Geoffrey siad, that is just a wiki page. It doesn't have any formal 
status, nor do I know of any plans to give its contents any formal 
status. None of the behaviour described on that page is required by 
HTML5 except what has already been mentioned.

However it does document things that are required for ECMAScript 
implementations that want to work with web content, as evidenced by the 
fact that even greenfield implementations, such as V8, implement the 
things described on that page. Personally I would like to see complete 
documentation of the things that the ECMAScript spec does not cover but 
are nevertheless required behavior for implementations intending to be 
Web compatible. Then the next time someone wishes to implement a novel 
javascript engine in a web browser, they get to focus on interesting 
things like optimising performance rather than wasting time reverse 
engineering the behavior of the competition just to get the web to run.

Received on Monday, 16 November 2009 10:38:01 UTC