The Existence, Presence, Fictitiousness of a Thing as a Property?

Hello Everyone, 


The schema for Person is described to be applicable to: 
"A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional)."


But. what Property of Person, or any other Thing for that matter, indicates
whether the Thing actually exists, is instanced in reality, has real
presence as opposed to being only entirely imaginary or fictional?


Shouldn't this be explicit, not implied by other Properties or some other
Type or Sub-type?  





Jason Pelish

Founding Partner - Marketer

Massive Impressions Online Marketing

Boca Raton, FL 33431

(561) 232-2424

(866) 800-3579 - Massive Impressions site - The Click Whisperer site - 4boca Local site 


Received on Saturday, 18 June 2022 23:20:20 UTC