Re: Schema type for a video on demand channel?

I love this question. I was the webmaster for a video on demand broadcast
network back in the 90s and that was my first pure web gig. 


Music Videos are CreativeWorks. If you curate a selection of those Creative
Works then the proper Schema for it would be "Collection" technically. This
schema points to the individual works using the hasPart property. Your site
can be broken into Genres which are synonymous with "Collection" and then
the site as a whole can be its own "Collection" that "has parts" which are
your genre Collections. Think of "Collection" as your tool to connect the
pages so that if an AI that could only read structured data were crawling
the site it could understand the entirety of your offerings. 


How exactly are you monetizing this? I may have a few insights for you
depending on your model. What really matters is wrapping it in structured
data that complies with Rich Results, not just the validator.
Google's hoop to jump through is much smaller and less adaptive to
everything everyone wants to publish and get rich results for. How you
package it depends on your model an awful lot, more than anything. Are you
really doing a broadcast stream or is it all going to be VOD online? 






Jason Pelish

Founding Partner - Marketer

Massive Impressions Online Marketing

Boca Raton, FL 33431

(561) 232-2424

(866) 800-3579 - Massive Impressions site - The Click Whisperer site - 4boca Local site 


Received on Saturday, 18 June 2022 23:50:33 UTC